Yes, I'm a mess

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— The soft glow of the living room's lamp created a warm ambiance as I paced back and forth, my nerves dancing beneath my skin. Peter, sprawled comfortably on the couch, indulging in pizza, observed me with a bemused smile.

"Gwen, Miguel's not gonna be happy about the hole you're making in the floor," he teased, one arm draped over the back of the couch.

"Miles has been weird lately, right?" I blurted out, shooting him a glance, a mix of frustration and anticipation in my eyes as he was busy munching midway into his pizza. "Vweird houw?" Peter's reply garbled as his mouth was half filled with pizza.

— I awkwardly rubbed my elbow, contemplating the best way to express my unease. "I don't know. Don't you think he's been seeming sort of distant lately?" Peter waved me off, taking a sip of his drink.

"It's all your imagination, Gwen," he dismissed, his attention divided between his food and me. "Are you sure? He's been constantly in his room during breaks and comes out looking like a zombie every morning," I insisted, grabbing Peter's drink and placing it back down onto the table, urging him to pay attention.

"Kid's gotta be a kid, he's probably playing video games or doing you know what~," he commented, looking slightly annoyed at my persistent concern. Confused, I stood there trying to decipher his cryptic remark until realization hit me like a ton of bricks. A blush crept across my face as I recoiled in disgust. "Ewww Peter!!!" I winced.

"Whatever could you be imagining there, kiddo?" He cackled, clearly amused with himself. "You're gross!" I groaned, tossing a couch cushion at him, only for him to effortlessly catch it. "Hey now, I didn't say anything. Your mind went there yourself~" he teased as I wound up my arm to toss another cushion. "Anyways, why are you so worried? Let the kid have his fun," he replied, nonchalantly continuing to munch on his food. "I-It's because..." I hesitated, lowering my arm and taking a deep breath to muster my courage and continue.

"I... like Miles," I quietly confessed, lowering my head and nervously twirling a strand of hair, anxiously awaiting Peter's reaction. The silence hung in the air, intensified by the rhythmic ticking of the clock. As the seconds ticked on, my nervousness escalated, prompting me to finally look up in disbelief, only to find Peter nonchalantly continuing his meal.

"Wow Gwen, really? That's amazing!" I mocked, imitating Peter's voice and mannerisms. "I expected a bigger reaction or at least A reaction," I added, throwing my hands up in a fit, feeling a twinge of offense at his seemingly indifferent response.

"Oh, sorry. Umm, Woww!!" Peter exaggerated, holding and shaking a slice of pizza in the air. I rolled my eyes, pouting. "Oh, can it," I retorted pouting, my disappointment evident.

"Come on, kid, you can't blame me. I'm happy for you, but you'd have to be genuinely blind to not see you two flirting constantly. Reminds me of me and MJ when we were younger," he remarked, causing me to kneel down and cover my face in embarrassment, letting out a groan as I reflected on my actions.

"Was it that obvious?" I peeked out and asked, my voice muffled by my hands.

"Do you really~ want to know?" Peter raised an eyebrow, smirking as he took a cheeky sip from his drink. "No..." I replied, burying my face in my hands once again as Peter chuckled, a deep, reassuring sound that only heightened my jittery nerves.

"Love is when you try to place it out of your mind, kid. It's like a buzzing sound that you can't turn down and it makes you do stupid and crazy things," Peter remarked, offering a perspective that I couldn't help but ponder. Faceplanting onto the other side of the couch, the cushions acted as my sanctuary against the embarrassment that now engulfed me.

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