Chapter 7 - Finale (Part 1 - 2)

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Miles woke up covering his eyes from the sun with a little bit of a headache. Miles tries to get up but something pulls him back down.

"Just a couple more minutes..." Gwen mumbles still fully asleep.

Miles blushed furiously considering all the possibilities of what could of happened between them. Miles lies his head back down on the grass wondering what happened. But he looks behind him and sees a little bit of debris. "Oh... Right. I have to wake Gwen up." Miles tapped Gwen on the shoulder but that caused her to pull him in a lot closer.

Miles turned completely red while still trying to wake up Gwen.

Our faces are so... Close. Why do I feel so... Odd when we're like this?

Gwen slowly opens her eyes and sees Miles trying to back up a little. "Miles?! Where are we, why are you so close to me and-" Gwen looked around and it instantly all came back to her. She blushed a bunch and stood up to her feet.

Miles got up and looked down at the grass to hide his face. "Uhm... We should probably clean that up." He said pointing at the mess that was made a couple of hours ago infront of Miles house.

"Yeah... We should." Gwen said rubbing the back of her head.

A couple of hours later Miles And Gwen took all of the concrete that was taken out of the road and called the police so they could close the road.

Gwen and Miles sat down on Miles front door steps and let out a long sigh.

"That was... tiring." Miles said laying back on the stairs a little bit.

"Yeah-" Gwen was interrupted by a loud rumbling and a lot of glitching around them. "What's going on?"

Miles stood up and instantly started swinging to the subway. "Come on! We're going to the subway! I have a feeling that's where this is coming from!"

Gwen put on her mask and started swinging towards the subway.

"Look so since we're on the way, let me explain this to you. I think my uncle is The Prowler and Kingpin and him are a team of some sort. And I saw them where me and my uncle put up some graffiti and they went into this room and I didn't see what it was but I'm pretty sure this is where it's coming from!" Miles said catching his breath in between words.

"Damn that's a lot... are you sure though? That's a lot of assumptions your making." Gwen said raising her eyebrow through the mask.

"No trust me! I know this is where he's at, I just know!" Miles reassures Gwen as they arrive to the subway. Come on, it's right up here!" Miles said hitting the ground. "Come on this way!"

Miles ran into the subway expecting Gwen to follow him, which she did.

Both of their spider senses go off.

"See?" Miles said giving Gwen a wink through his ski mask.

"We gotta get you a spider mask..." Gwen giggled at his wink and continued walking through the subway.

"Alright it's just up here." Miles said crouching a bit. "I think it's in that room over there." They looked over at the room and saw flashing lights.

"What do you mean the collider isn't working!? Well get it working then, it's turning it on isn't it!?" Kingpin yelled. At Doc Ock.

"I'm doing everything I can Fisk! It's your family not mines, so I could give a damn!" Doc Ock snapped at Kingpin

Kingpin grabbed Doc Ock by her neck and threw her across the room. "I'll figure it out myself then!" Kingpin broke the window and jumped into the collider room.

Gwen looked over at Miles. "We got to go now!" Gwen tried to dash into the room but Miles swung her back.

"Hold on! You know how dangerous it would be too go in there?" Miles said with a little concern on his face.

"It would be pretty damn dangerous wouldn't it?" Someone said behind him while picking up Miles by his collar.

Miles choked gasping for air.

"You know as The Prowler, I would say it's my job to stop intruders like yourselves." The Prowler said while tightening his grip on Miles.

"LET HIM GO!" Gwen screamed while shooting a web at him.

"Now why would I do that?" The Prowler chuckled.

Miles let out a breathless set of words "because... i'm your... nephew..." Miles said, taking his ski mask off.

"M... Miles? What are you doing here? And why are you dressed like that?..." Arron said dropping Miles.

"Because... I have to stop this... collider? From doing whatever it's doing because it does not sound good!" Miles said standing up too his feet.

"Miles, you can't." Arron said taking off his mask. Otherwise... I'll have to hurt you." Arron said crossing his arms.

"You'll really hurt your own nephew?! Your sick do you know that?!" Gwen said stepping up to him but Miles stopped her.

"Who's this your girlfriend?" Arron said chuckling a little bit.

Miles blushed furiously and quickly corrected him. "Stop trying to change the subject! I have to stop that thing so screw off! I can't believe I looked up to you!" Miles put his ski mask back on and webshot into the room leaving Arron behind.

Stuck In Your Web (Miles Morales x Gwen Stacy)Where stories live. Discover now