Chapter 1 - Destiny

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Miles headed out the bathroom and too his room, still with soggy fabric on his hands.

Miles sat down on his bed planning his next move. "Seriously... What's wrong with me? I have got to figure this out... I should call Uncle Arron."

Miles pulled out his phone and speedily called Arron.

"Yoo. I'm out of town for a couple of days. I'll hit you up when I'm back." Miles turned off his phone a little frustrated.

"What the hell am I supposed to do... maybe tell my dad? No. He wouldn't understand... and I still have to clean this damn room!" Miles said a little loudly, quickly shutting his mouth hoping nobody heard him.

Miles looked around his room, looking for something to help him until out of the corner of his eye he spotted a spider-man comic. "There's... no way. That was a normal spider! There's no way it was a... radioactive one..."

Miles *attempted* to clean up his room and then quickly rushed out of the house speeding towards the subway him and his uncle were last night.

"There's no way that spider was a radioactive spider! No way!" Miles said while running towards the subway. Shortly, Miles entered the subway and tried to find where they were last night.

Miles crept into the room they were in last night and rushed to find the spider that bit him.

Miles spotted the spider, still in the same place it was last night.

"See! This spider is so boring it's crazy. Like it's so boring that-"

The spider slightly glitched.

"What the-" Miles picked up the spider and It glitched out again. "This spider totally isn't normal..."

Miles put the spider down and went to exit the subway until he felt something tingle.

"I don't know why but I have this feeling I should hide?" Miles quickly ducked down by some boxes and waited for whatever it was.

"I could of swore I told you no witnesses." Big foot steps followed.

Kingpin. But who else?

"I know but I wanted to hangout with him one last time before I had to do the job."

The Prowler and Kingpin. But what are they doing here?

"Listen. I don't care about who you want to see, you work for me. Got it?" Kingpin said calmly.

"Yes sir." The Prowler said firmly.

"What's their name anyway?" Kingpin said out of curiosity.

"Miles. He's family."

What? Uncle Arron. No way he's... The Prowler! Not my uncle...

"What type of name is Miles?" Kingpin snickered while walking off into a hidden room.

There's... no way... I have to figure this out!

Miles waited until they were out of sight and dashed out of the subway not knowing how to feel.

"How... how would my uncle be The Prowler? It doesn't... make sense. What's been going on lately..."

Miles walked down the street looking at the dried & crusty fabric on his hand."I seriously have to get this off my hand."

Miles kept walking down the street until something started to tingle.

What is that? Feels like... something is about to come?

BOOM! In the corner of Mile's eye is a building on fire.

What the hell happened?! I... should look the other way..

Just then something crashed Infront of Miles following it a little bit of smoke.

"Uh.. hello?" Miles went to go see what it was but a web was shot at him. But due to his new found powers he dodged it unexpectedly.

"What the hell?" Miles cleared the smoke and saw what it was. It was spiderma- woman?

"Who are you?"

The girl quickly went back into the building without saying a word.

"This city is going to shi-" Miles was instantly grabbed by a web pulling him out of the way of a flying piece of debris.

"Watch out!" The unknown spider said.

Miles tried to move but was stuck to the web.

"Let go of me!" Miles shouted.

"If I let go of you, there's a high chance you'll die.. so...  no-" The two felt a weird connection... almost as if they were the same.

"Oh... your like me. I'll find you later because as you can see there are people in that burning building. So stick around!" She said as she webbed herself into the building.

"That wasn't funny!" Miles said while he still tried to free himself from the web.

About 15 minutes later, all of the people were saved by this hero. Miles had given up trying to escape 10 minutes ago, so he just waited for her to show up.

"So, what's your name?" She said while walking up to him.

"Why should I tell you that?" Miles said giving her a fiery look.

"Because I'm the only one who can help you figure out your new powers." She said while releasing him from the web. "So, what is it?"

"Miles.. Miles Morales." He said while helping her.

She carried him onto his feet and took off her mask.

"Gwen Stacy. Nice too meet ya."

Stuck In Your Web (Miles Morales x Gwen Stacy)Where stories live. Discover now