Chapter 1

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 One year prior

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One year prior

"Izu?" I ask, as we head home.

"Yeah?" He says, as he digs in his bag for his notebook.

I spin towards him, tilting my head. "Do you wanna go get snow cones?" I ask, walking backwards in front of him.

"I know I put it in here!" He says digging frantically, struggling to hold his bag up.

Is he serious?

"Izu." I say calmly, holding his notebook with an eyebrow perked up in amusement.

"What did you say? Snow cones? Yeah. sure. fine." He blurts out quickly, without even looking at me.

"Izuku." I say a little louder, trying not to laugh.

"Ok, I know I put it in here!" He starts, going through all the pockets of his bag.

"Izuku!" I yell to get his attention.

"What?!" He lifts his head, finally looking at me, while I wiggle his notebook in my hand.

"You literally just asked me to hold this, not even five minutes ago." I say, smiling.

He sighs, and takes it without a word, putting it back in his bag. "I shouldn't have yelled." He mutters quietly, as we continue walking.

I giggle, and ruffle his hair, which is the softest thing I've ever touched. "It's fine...... So, snow cones?" I ask, leaning back a bit.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." He says, smiling at me.

As we walk there, my mind wanders off to school, an upcoming test, homework, and things of the sort. Until Izuku nudges me. "Hey. Snow cones are this way....." His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just lost in thought." I shrug, as we cross the street, and walk up to the booth.

"I'll get a pineapple snow cone please." He says politely.

There's a noticeable pause, and he looks at me. When he does, confusion takes over his features. "Why are you squinting?"

"Oh sorry. It's just, my eyes won't focus." I say, trying my best to see the board.

Why is my vision so blurry? I haven't been able to read all week.

"I'll just get the same please." I say, rubbing my eye, as the man in the booth starts making our snow cones.

"Are you ok? Is there something in your eye?"
Izuku asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine........... No, thats a lie. My eyes have been blurry all day." I sigh.

"Then you need glasses." He says jokingly.

"Yeah, imagine that. Quirkless, and blind. Bakugou would let me have it." I joke back.

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