Chapter 22

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Shit! Shit! Shit!

I haven't had practice moving like this with my quirk.

Trying to keep up with my surroundings while running is utterly foreign. Yelling and arguing sounds like it's coming from everywhere.

I feel like I'm gonna pass out!

I can see movement, but it's impossible to tell where anyone is.

Just get out of here!

Overwhelming doesn't even begin to describe it, the noises, the fights, the screams. It's too much. So I run. I don't know where I'm going, but I have to leave.

It's gonna be fine. You're fine.

I go on for a good minute getting the hang of feeling around me. It's slowly getting easier as my consciousness takes on different forms and shapes; molding around, and into objects around me. It's almost like air, making my quirk thin and light.

Taking a deep breath I stop for a second, and realize that I can't see Izuku anywhere. I actually can't feel anyone around me, and it hits me that I have no idea where I am. I let out a sigh, and stretch my quirk as far as I can. I'm able to see the buildings on either side of me, and it's odd how real this fake city actually feels.

"Target acquired." A robot appears out of nowhere in front of me, charging forward... fast. Part of me wants to run as fast as I can, but I stand my ground.

This is what you've been practicing for...

I can do this.

The robot itself has a two painted on the side, it's heavy and hard to stop. I don't like how close it gets before I lift it, sending it up about fifty feet in the air. Dropping it, I run to avoid getting hit by any of the debris from the impact. I duck behind a building hearing the robot crash into the ground.

I flinch at the sound, but I don't have any time to check what damage I did. There's another one coming from my left. It has a one painted on one of its panels, and it's faster than the last one.

It's too close!

I jump and trip just soon enough to avoid being crushed, but it turns around faster than I expected. I can't get to my feet, so I use my arm in a swinging motion and throw it into a building. The wall breaks and the glass shatters, my heart is pounding in my chest.

I thought these things would have some sort of safety feature! Does UA just let kids get hurt for this?!

I hear something from behind me, and my heart drops. "Why are there so many of these things!?" I mutter, scrambling to my feet. It's a three, and it's a lot bigger than I imagined it.

The universe is just determined to make me feel small...

It's slow, and I can't find its purpose, but I really don't want to. I decide to take this one down from the inside, tearing up the wiring and breaking circuit boards. It shuts down in a matter of seconds, and I let out a deep sigh.

It's ok. You can do this.

Only then do I hear a scream coming from up the street. "Can I not have just two seconds?" I grumble, sprinting to the horrified voice. When I find the person, my jaw drops. She's caught under a large chunk of concrete, and if I had to guess her leg seems like it's in a... not natural position. "Oh god." I whisper, running up and crouching next to her. "Are you ok?" I ask, not sure if that's a stupid question or not.

"Please help!" She cries out. "My leg... I-It's crushed!" By the way her voice sounds, she's been crying, but I wouldn't expect anything else.

"Ok. Um, oh god. This is probably gonna hurt... a lot." I warn, putting a hand on her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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