Chapter 3

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"Hello miss L/N

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"Hello miss L/N. I'm doctor Lee."

My gaze drifts from the floor, slowly up his frame, and then to his eyes. I would say hi back, but my voice is lost.

Why is my throat so dry? When did my eyes get so itchy? God, why is it so bright in here? When did my hands start shaking?

"Nervous?" He asks, knowingly.

I didn't know I was so nervous. I mean I knew I was nervous, but not like this. My vision has never been so blurry. Why am I so cold?

".... Yeah, sorry." I say, shaking my head a bit.

"Don't worry. Now, if you'll just come with me, it'll be over before you know it." He chuckles.

I know that's supposed to be comforting, but why does it sound like he's gonna kill me? I know that sounds ridiculous, but I can't unhear it.

"Can he come?" I ask, pointing to Izuku.

"Sure. If that's alright with you?" Dr. Lee turns to Inko.

Please! I don't wanna be alone back there.

"Fine with me." She smiles back.

"Alright then. You two, follow me." He says, turning around.

As we walk down the hallway, I notice every door. Each a different pattern than the last. Fake dark wood burns it's way into my minds eye. The light blue walls are almost blinding against the fluorescent lights. It's as though time slowed itself to make the walk that much more painful.

I don't wanna be here! I can't do this! Just let me go home! I wanna go home! Please! Make it stop! The buzzing! I can't take it anymore! Don't make me do this!

My mind races, as we walk through the door. My body on auto pilot, I sit myself in the chair, in the center of the room. The room itself has a carved door, with swirls, and little dots everywhere. The walls are painted more of a Beige color, and they look even more so because of the yellow lighting.

Why would the lights in the hall, be different than in here? Why am I here? Why do I have to do this? There's nothing wrong with me! I can't breathe! Why me?

My thoughts are brought to a halt, when I feel a hand on my arm. "Hey.... you're fine." Izuku whispers.

As I stare into his eyes, only one thought filters through the haze of my mind.

...... He's so perfect................

What the?..........

What the hell was that?.... I mean I've always known...... but....... Ok you're still starring at him. Look away!

"Alright. Are we ready?" The doctor brings me out of my thoughts, and with that, the panic settles back in.

"Yeah." I say quietly, as I fold my hands in my lap.

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