Chapter 21

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As I stare up at the gigantic building in front of me, a chill runs down my spine

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As I stare up at the gigantic building in front of me, a chill runs down my spine.

UA is huge!

What did you think? That it was gonna be tiny?

It's just bigger than I expected.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask Izuku, trying my best to calm my nerves. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him with his mouth hanging open.

"No." He mumbles. "I'll never be ready for this..." He shivers just slightly, and we both take a deep breath.

I force myself to take a step, and start walking. "It's gonna be fine..." I shake out my hands, and look down. "Y'know? We'll go in there, and ace this thing..... right?.... Izu?" I turn around, and stop....... I really don't know how to comprehend what I'm looking at. I see Izuku...... floating...

What the?

I can tell there's someone next to him, specifically a girl by the clothing and body shape. She has a hand on his shoulder, and for some reason my stomach twists at the sight. She gently sets him down, and apologizes for using her quirk without him knowing. I know she talks to him, but I can't hear over my heartbeat. Before long she walks away, and Izuku's just standing there. His cheeks are flushed, and his eyes are wide. All I can do is stare as my heart races.

Why does he look like that?

Was she cute?

Why do you care? Nothing's going to happen between you two.

He's never looked at me that way.

Exactly my point. He doesn't like you like that. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but here we go again.

Let. It. Go.

"Shortie?" Izuku's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I look up at him. "You ok?" For a second I just stare, trying to calm my heart and emotions. He takes a few steps closer, and I blink a few times.

"Sorry." I mumble, turning around and forcing myself to stare at the ground. "Let's go." I start walking again and he follows me.

"Hey? Are you ok?" He asks, catching up, and putting a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"... Fine. Just nervous." I shrug looking away, avoiding his eyes, hoping he can't tell that I'm lying.

You know damn well he can tell.

Maybe he can't....

The voice in my head is oddly weak. I turn and keep walking, Izuku following close behind me. We walk up the stairs and through the front doors, and to be honest I can't remember any of the process of getting in. The written test went pretty easy, I knew most of the hero laws already. And before I know it, I'm sitting in between Bakugou and Izuku, trying my best to pay attention. Izuku looks unbelievably adorable as he rambles on about Present Mic.

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