Chapter 7

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Izuku's pov

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Izuku's pov

I lay in my bed, in the dark, it's around 1:00am. I really don't know. All I can do is think about her, about how it all fell apart.

Why?....... Why now?...... I mean everything sucked, but at least we were ok. How can the world be this cruel?..... It can't... life can't be this bad. This isn't fair...

Life isn't fair! Nothing is!

I wanna go back...... It was so much easier...

"Please" I whisper to my self, curled up on my bed.


Roughly ten years ago

"Izuku! Come here!" Mom yells, from the living room. I jump off my bed running out to go see what she needs.

"What? What?" I bounce, ready to go back to playing with my All Might figures.

"Look who's here sweetie." Mom bends down a little, pointing at the door. "We have new neighbors!" I look over, and see a girl standing between her parents.

"Mmmmmm" I cling to Mom's leg, ready to cry.

"Oh, don't worry about him, he's very shy. Especially around other kids. He'll open up eventually." Mom says, but all I can do is look at the girl in front of me. Mom bends down and nudges me a little. "Go say hi. She's your age, you'll make a friend."

"She's not my age." I whisper. "Mom she's so small."

"Trust me she's your age. And she's nice, now go say hi." Mom pushes me in the girl's direction, and her parents do the same, until we're right in front of each other.

"Umm, hi." I mumble.

"Hi." She whispers back.

"Izuku, honey, why don't you go show her your room." Mom smiles.

"Mmmm, ok." I slouch, and pout walking to my room. I trudge down the hall, and push my door open. Before I turn around, I hear the girl gasp.

"Wow! Your room is awesome!" She says, her mouth hanging open.

"Really?" I shrink a little.

She smiles at me, and hugs me. "I love it!"


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