Chapter 14

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"Oh my god

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"Oh my god. Izuku!" I jolt up in my seat. "What are you gonna tell your mom?" I yell.

"I-" He pauses. "I didn't think that far." He mumbles. "I really don't know."

"You gotta tell her something." I lean forward.

"I was so busy trying to figure out things with you, that I just...... kept leaving and saying I'd be back." He lays his head in his hands.

"Izu...." My face shifts to one of sympathy.

"I don't know what to do." I walk over to the couch he's sitting on, and grab his wrists.

"You're gonna be fine." I say, as softly as I can. "I'm here for you. Ok?... I always will be."

"I just wish this was easier." His voice breaks a little, and so does my soul.

"It will be now that you have me." I joke, trying to lighten the mood. He laughs, a sad laugh, but still. "It's gonna be ok." I stand him up, and pull him into a hug. I feel my heart flutter, and butterflies fill my stomach, as his hands wrap around my waist. He burrows his head into my neck, pulling me close. Really close.

Stop! It's a hug! You can't let this affect you too! He's so stressed right now, and you're getting nervous over a hug!

We slowly separate, and I tell him that I'll help him come up with something to tell his mother. Since she won't be back for a few hours we start one of my favorite movies.

When I close my eyes...... it feels..... normal. I don't need to see this movie. I've watched it so many times, it's engraved in my mind.

Sitting on the couch with my feet pulled up next to me, I sigh and lean against Izuku's shoulder. "I love this.... So much." I whisper.

I feel Izuku shift a little. "Yeah," His voice sounds off in a way I can't explain. "Me too."

"You wanna know the thing I that sucks the most about still be blind?" I say. "I can't see your face anymore...."

"Yeah..." His voice sounds sad, and I don't know why. "That sucks."


"Did you ever think about telling her the truth?" I ask, messing with one of Izuku's action figures of All Might, laying on his bed.

He's been oddly quiet since he told me. And I can understand why, he hasn't told All Might yet. I tried to get him to text him, but he says he wants to tell him in person.

"You mean tell her what I shouldn't have even told you?" He takes the figurine out of my hands, and puts it gently back on his shelf. "Yeah, no." He says, quietly.

I sigh rolling over on my stomach. "I don't mean all of it. I just mean, tell her the truth about what you're doing." I say, messing with his pillow. "Tell her you're going to work out."

"I......" He pauses. "That might work..." He leans back in his desk chair. "I don't know."

"Yeah, it'll work." I glance at him. "If you tell her you're gonna start working out. She won't even question it, and even if she does....." I sit up facing him a little. "Simply put, you need some strength to be a hero. Especially without a quirk." I say, shrugging.

"But.... I will have a quirk." He says, sounding confused.

"Yeah, I know. But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." I roll back over on his bed. "For right now we deal with what we have....... By the way, when are you gonna get that?" I ask.

"Ummmm, I don't... know." He shruggs, his voice getting higher.

"Ok." I stare blankly at the ceiling, as a silence falls over the room. Quite often I find myself focusing on Izuku's figure in my mind.

I guess it's sort of a habit now. I honestly miss looking at him... like a lot actually.

My face heats at my thoughts, as I try to redirect them. Izuku makes an odd noise, almost like he's trying to get my attention. "I know I haven't been as helpful with your training lately...... How is it going?" He asks.

"I use it almost all day everyday, but I still can't hold more than two things." I sigh. "My range is getting wider though."

I've been trying to look at the bright sides, because the alternative is very depressing.

"How big?" He asks, turning in his chair.

"I'd say I can see most if not all of the living room. I just have to focus a little." I say, trying to come up with new ideas for how to improve faster. "Can almost see the whole classroom too, it's just a bit too big."

"How about weight? Any heavier yet?" He leans forward, putting his elbows on his knees.

"Y'know... I haven't really tried that yet." I say, sitting up.

"Well... that filing cabinet is like, 200 pounds....." He glances to the corner of his room. "You wanna try it?"

".......... Ok." I shrug, standing up. I roll out my shoulders and take a deep breath.

You got this.

I feel the steel container come into view, crystal clear in my head. As I start trying to move it, I feel nervous. I can feel Izuku staring at me, his gaze is heavy, watching and attentive.

It's ok, you've done this before. Doesn't matter that he's staring at you. No reason to be nervous. None at all. You're just fine.

I can feel my quirk flex, trying to move the cabinet, and I can hear it creaking. Clenching my fists at my sides I can feel it getting closer, but not enough. I raise my arms, as though I'm actually picking it up, and finally it leaves the floor.

"Oh..." Izuku sounds genuinely surprised.

I set the filing cabinet down, and turn towards him. "What? Didn't think I could do it?" I ask a little hurt.

"No. It's just, you're so small...." I can hear that stupid teasing tone in his voice, and I instantly start frowning. "That thing's bigger than you."

"Oh my god." I groan. "Would you just shut up."

"Make me." He stands up, towering over me. I know he's still joking, but my stomach twists as I feel him get closer.

"I um..." My face goes full flush as I try to look anywhere but at him.

"You ok?" He sounds a bit confused, and I clear my throat.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I cross my arms, trying my hardest to sound normal.

"Your face is red." He says knowingly, sitting back down.

Did that really just happen????


A/N: to who ever reads this, another short chapter, but c'est la vie. I've been going back over chapters recently trying to revamp them and add more detail. But I will leave the first two as they are mostly. You'll figure out why later, it pretty simple tho. Anyway, I love adding the moments of  butterflies, even where they don't belong. I hope you liked the chapter, have a great day or night❤️

Word count (1191)

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