Chapter 12

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"Honey?" Mom knocks on my door

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"Honey?" Mom knocks on my door.

"Yeah?" My throat has gotten better, but it's still a little scratchy.

"How are you doing?" She asks, opening my door.

"Eh, I feel better." I shrug.

"Well, you ate the soup, so it not your stomach." She walks over and sits down next to me, "You don't feel warm." And puts a hand on my forehead.

"I think it's just a cold." I say, my voice sounding hollow. "I should be fine by tomorrow."

I have to be fine by tomorrow.

"You sure? I don't want you pushing yourself." She runs her hand up and down my arm, worry lacing her tone.

"No, I'm sure. I'll be fine." I shake my head. Without warning I hear my bedroom door burst open, and my dad yell something from the living room.

"Shortie! I gotta talk to you!" The nick name flips a switch in my head.


"God, Izuku. Don't do that." Mom sighs, putting a hand over her chest.

"Sorry Miss L-" He pauses. "Sorry. It's just really important."

"Mom." I put a hand on her arm, and give her a gentle look.

"Ok. But no funny business in here." She points at me.

Oh god.... Why does she always have to say that?

"Mom, stop." I say, my face heating.

"Oh, no! Absolutely not." Izuku sputters out, waving his hands.

"I'm joking." Mom laughs. "Jeeze, make me think you guys might actually like each other." She jokes standing up and walking out of my room. The door shuts with a soft click, leaving the room bathed in an uncomfortable silence that seems to go on forever.

No...... I don't. I can't........ I don't like him.

My face burns, as I turn to try and hide it.


"........ So." I clear my throat, to fill the uncomfortable silence. "You're really late. It's like, 7:00." I say, trying to sound upset.

Because in all reality, I don't know what to feel right now.

"Oh well, I had a uh, thing." He says, quickly.

"A thing?" I turn back towards him, and raise an eyebrow.

"Uh, there was a villain attack on the way home." He says, shifting around uncomfortably.

Whats with him? He's acting really weird.

After a moment I think better of it, and let it go. "Whats so important?" I tilt my head.

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