Chapter 8

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Here we go

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Here we go.

"Yeah," My voice is so weak. "Come in." I mumble.

My door opens, and footsteps make their way over to my bed. "Hey...... are you ok?"

That god forsaken question... I hate it.... Because I want more than anything in the world to answer 'yes', and truly mean it.

"I don't know." I feel the bed dip to my side as they lay down next to me.

"Yeah, I wouldn't either." The voice comes down right next to my head. I reach over for their hand, and find Izuku laying next to me.

I should be able to tell who is in these damn apartments. For gods sake! There's only four people I'm my life!!!.............. But my head's been so messed up that it feels like I'm hallucinating every time I hear someone's voice.

"I can barely read, or feel- whatever I'm supposed to call that....... I'm gonna get held back." I rasp.

Lost my voice a long time ago, and I don't plan on it coming back.

"Don't say that. You will pass this year." He says, changing positions, pulling my hand into his chest.

I got passed last year...... just barely though. This started the beginning of the first semester. I could still do things for some of that year, and just squeaked by the end of the year, with C's, and D's. Third year, blind, and I don't think I'm gunna pass first semester. School starts in a month, and a half. The doctor estimated a year, but it was more like nine months, then I couldn't see anything.

"I guess." I sigh.

I know I don't believe it, he's knows I don't believe it, but sometimes it just hurts less to pretend.

"Let me go get you some lunch. I'll have mom make your favorite...." He stands up, and let's go of my hand. "Maybe you'll eat it....." He whispers.

I don't think he knows that I heard him. Its not a lie your hearing does get better. Wish it didn't though. I know a lot of things they don't want me to.

From out in the kitchen of Izuku's apartment I hear. "Hey mom, can you make shortie lunch?"

"The same thing?" Inko responds.

She sounds worried.

"I don't think she'll eat anything else." He sighs.

And he sound's defeated.

".......... Is she ok?"

........ That fucking question.

"....... I don't know." Izuku sighs.

When will you get it? quit being a burden. You're ruining everything around you, because you can't get yourself together. Just suck it up, and deal. Other people go blind everyday, and handle it ten times better than you are. So quit being pathetic, and Get. Over. Yourself.

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