Chapter 19

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Izuku's pov

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Izuku's pov

The beach is slowly coming together, but part of me is worried I won't finish it on time. We get home after school, and I make my way to the kitchen. I'm not big on tea or coffee, but if I have the choice, I pick tea.

"Shortie, I'm gonna make some tea. You want anything?" I ask, and she scoffs at the nickname, glancing at me.

"I'm good.... I'm gonna go lay on your bed." She sighs, wandering off to my room.

She's so pretty........

Stop... you're just making this harder for yourself. It's not gonna happen, so get over it.

I push my thoughts of her down, and make my tea, while other things fill my head. I think back to the first time I met All Might.

How did that even happen?............

I mean, he could've ran into anyone else that day. Why me? Why did he think I was the choice?......

Why is he helping me? There are a million other options out there, and most of them are better than me...

How does he think I'm the best one?

I grab my tea, and go to my room to find Y/N laying on her back, playing with one of my All Might figures. She stops and glances up at me. "You done making your tea?"

"Yeah." I whisper, sitting at my desk. I sigh and lean back in my chair, staring up at the ceiling.

"You ok?" She asks, grabbing my tea and taking a sip.

"Hey." I groan, trying to grab my cup from her.

"Quit, you're gonna make me spill." She giggles, pulling my cup out of my reach, taking another sip.

I sigh, feeling my heart flutter at the way she smiles at me. Trying to keep my expression firm, I scowl at her. "I asked you if you wanted anything... I could've made you one." I poke, snatching my tea back from her.

"But it just tastes better from your cup." She smiles, while snuggling into my bed, laying her head on her arms.

Don't you dare.... Don't even go there.

"And you've told me a million times you like coffee more." I stand, and put the All Might figure she was playing with, back on the shelf above my bed.

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