Chapter 6

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Mom and dad got home the next day

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Mom and dad got home the next day. I was a mess, I couldn't stop crying, and the worst part was; The doctors couldn't find out what was wrong, and they couldn't fix it, or even help.


Here I am.... Quirkless... helpless... broken.

How am I supposed to do anything?....... How am I supposed to go to school? How am I supposed to live?

I sit alone in my room, staring at the floor. I can't move. I almost can't breath. My vision is blurred, and unfocused. My hands shake, just slightly.

"Honey!?" I hear the door to the apartment open, and shut. My mom flies into my room, wrapping her arms around me. "Oh my god! Sweetie, I am so sorry!"

The tears slowly appear, but once they're there, nothing can stop them. I cling onto my mom, and sob. "Why?" My voice comes out broken, and cracked. "Why?" She just holds me, because I know she can't answer that question.

My dad walks in, and silently brings me into a hug. I don't know how long we stay like that, but at some point we pull apart.

"Baby girl, I am so sorry." He whispers.

With eyes full of unshed tears, all I can utter is, "They can't fix me."


From there it was pretty simple. Over the next year (9 months) my vision faded to the point I couldn't see at all.

The optometrist offered glasses for free since they knew I wouldn't need them long. I didn't take them.


"Honey, think about this!" Mom puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I have." I say, flatly.

I can't seem to find the emotion that I used to have.

"Does this mean you're saying no?" Doctor Issa asks.

"Let me talk to her father." I can tell mom is trying to hold back the anger in her voice. I just can't get glasses.

Fist of all: they won't do anything. I'm going blind anyway.

Second: I can't even mention what'll happen at school.

So, no. I'm not going to.

Plus, they would just get broken.

My dad walks in, and kneels down next to me. "Honey, why not?"

"Because, I just won't." I say, shaking my head.

"Baby, think about this. You need them." He puts a hand on my knee.

"I have. And no, I don't. It won't do anything anyway." I say, standing, and grabbing my bag from the corner. "Thank you, Issa," I bow. "But I can't, and I won't."

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