Chapter 5

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Signs of concern!

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Signs of concern!......

What the fuck do you mean!?...

Is it like a sickness?...


How are you just gunna come out here, and say that like it's nothing?

Why don't you be a little bit more cryptic. Please!

I raise my head to ask the questions flying through my mind, but before I can.

"I can't say for sure but... she may go blind."


I wish I would have heard what he said after that, but I couldn't hear anything actually. My eyes unfocused, my breath stalled, and thoughts stoped. It was as though my body just quit; like the information killed me. I could tell I wasn't dead, but I wasn't there. I couldn't feel anything, couldn't see anything, and I couldn't formulate even one thought. I truly shut off.

I think it's called an out of body experience. Thats the closest thing I could say I was feeling. I didn't see myself in that moment, it's almost like I just, didn't exist. Everything was gone.

My memory got a little spotty around that point, but I do remember Izuku asking if I was ok. I'm not sure if I responded, don't think it would've mattered anyway. He knew I wasn't. I didn't say anything for the rest of the day, and I'm not sure how, but we got back to my apartment. Inko had said something to Izuku about how I needed my space. I didn't eat, I just went strait to bed.

If I discount everything, I was being dramatic.
But considering what happened the next day, I don't think so.


I open my eyes, and it feels like someone dumped sand in them.

Cried yourself to sleep last night.... Great.

I peel myself out of bed, and grab my phone. The screen turns on, and it reads "9:30A.M. Saturday-September-13." I groan, and walk out into the living room.

"Morning!" Izuku says, from the kitchen.

"JESUS! Where the hell did you come from!?" I yell.

"Next door?" He asks jokingly, while flipping a pancake.

"Ha ha," I say, sitting at the bar. "You're soooo funny."

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