Chapter 9

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Curled up on the couch with my favorite book

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Curled up on the couch with my favorite book... Could life get better?

I snuggle further into the blanket as I read.

As the figure got closer, I realized it was Harem.

"REM!" I ran toward him, tears streaming down my face.

"LILLY!" He hopped off his horse, and in seconds I was in his arms.

"I thought I'd never see you again!" I cried into his shoulder, clinging to his shirt.

"It's ok. I'm here. I'm here." He squeezed me so tight, that beyond a shadow of doubt, I knew it was him. The fire of the town raged on behind me, but in his arms, nothing else mattered. He slowly pulled me away, and his eyes had shown nothing but love. "I was so worried about you. I thought I'd lost you."

"You will never lose me Rem." I raised my hand to his face, wiping a small drop of blood from his cheek.

"Lilly..." His hand rose up my spine to the back of my neck. "I will never let you go again." As I stared into the most captivating blue eyes I'd ever seen. He pulled me closer, my eyes drifting shut. I could feel the heat of his lips right over mine.

"What are you doing?"

I scream and jump so hard, I'd swear I got whiplash. "GOD MOM! Don't do that!" I grip my shirt over my heart.

"Sorry." She says, with sympathy in her voice. "What are you doing though?"

"I'm staring at the sky." I say, sarcastically. "Reading. What's it look like I'm doing?"

"Um, ok. Honey? Are you ok?" She asks, concerned. "You feeling ok?"

Why are you treating me like I'm a psych patient?

"I'm fine. Why?" I scrunch up my face in confusion.

"Ok..... How are you reading?" She puts a hand on my shoulder.

Ok, I'm not crazy.

"What are you..." Finally the thought dawns on me. "Ohhhhh. Ok. Mom, I told that I can see the things I hold, right?" She stays silent like she doesn't believe me. "I'm holding the book... so I can read it."

After a moment she speaks. "You can see it in that fine of detail?"  She asks, still unconvinced.

"Yeah. I figured out, the harder I concentrate, the more I can see. Izu was the one who thought of it" I shrug, smiling.

"How do you see ink though?" I feel her lean on the back of the couch.

"I can feel the ink in the portion of the paper it's on." I smile.

"Wow... I didn't know you could do that." She breaths a laugh, shocked.

"It's cool right." I pause, and consider for a moment. "I can almost see more now, than I could with my eyes." I give a small mirthless laugh.

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