Chapter 11

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Izuku's pov

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Izuku's pov

I walk over to the door, putting on my shoes. "Mom, I'm gunna go see if shortie's up."

"Oh, ok honey. Get to school safe." She calls from the kitchen.

"I will." I open the door, and walk out of my apartment.

Y'know, only being able to see like ten feet around me... that'd kinda freak me out. I mean, it's better than nothing. But... still

"Hey miss L/N." I smile, and walk into their living room, toeing off my shoes.

"Izuku Midoyiya. How many times do I have to tell you?" She turns around, pointing at me with a spoon from the kitchen. Her face a mixture of anger, and threatening.

"Ok, ok." I say, holding up my hands in defense. "Miss M/N." I say her name slow, and pronounced.

She narrows her eyes at me, then clicks her teeth. "Loose the 'miss'" She nods her head to the side. "... She's in her room. I was about to go check on her."

"Ok." I laugh a little.

Usually she's up by now.

I walk down the hallway, and knock on her door. There's a rustling on the other side, but then nothing. "Shortie? Are you ok?" I lean closer, listening carefully.

........ Silence. So I slowly open the door, and I see her still lying in bed. "Hey. You getting up?" She groans long and exaggerated, and curls up into her blankets.

I mean I get being tired, but we've got like five minutes.

I go up, and sit on the edge of her bed. "Hey." I whisper, lightly rocking her shoulder.

She shifts and turns towards me just the tiniest bit. "Mmnnnnnn, what." Her voice is scratchy, and she sounds stuffy.

"Are you feeling ok?" I ask, in a calming tone as worry settles deep in my gut.

Please don't be sick.

"What do you think?" She whispers.

"Do you think you could make it?" I ask, rubbing her shoulder, knowing the answer to my question already.

Are you dumb? Does she sound like she can go to school?......... No!

"I don't know..... I think I'd just make it worse." She rasps.


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