Chapter 10

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"Izu, really

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"Izu, really. You don't have to do this." I say, trying to change his mind.

Please let it go!

"It's fine. She's not gunna get mad." He shrugs, as he pulls me along behind him, to his apartment.

"I know, but still. You know how I feel about this stuff." I whine, as he opens the door.

"Hey, mom?" Izuku calls, walking into his apartment.

"Yes." Inko calls back from her bedroom.

"No, no. Please. I'm begging you." I whisper, swiping my hands a through the air wildly. He just laughs.

"I've got a question for you." He turns to the right, and walks down the hallway. "Are we using dads old office for anything?"

"No." Inko walks out of her bedroom. "Why?"

"Well, I was thinking-"

"He's joking!" I blurt out, hoping to stop what he's about to say.

"What?" Inko asks, confused.

"Alright," Izuku puts a hand on my shoulder. "One: I'm not joking. Two: I was thinking we could use dad's old office to help shortie train."

"How would you use Hisashi's office?" Inko asks.

"Well, I wanted to try having her take control of an empty room." Izuku says.

"But... his office isn't empty." Inko prompts, sounding confused.


"I mean, there's not much in there. We could move the desk, and the filing cabinets." Izuku says, as though it's nothing.

"Really you don't have to!" I wave my hands.

"It'd be simple. I take one of the filing cabinets in my room. You take one in yours, and the desk can fit somewhere in the living room." Izuku  explains.

"I suppose it could work," Inko says, thinking about it. "But what does this have to do with her training?"

"If she can take control of a room, then we're already half way to her seeing." Izuku says, confidently.

"No! You know what, I'm putting my foot down!" I walk in between them. "You are not going to move your whole apartment for me!"

I hear Izuku try coughing to cover his laugh, and I whip towards him, fixing him with a glare.

"We're not moving the whole apartment." Inko grabs my hand. "Just one room."

"That's not better!" I bounce up and down, my cheeks red.

"Told you she'd be fine with it." Izuku says.

"Shut it! I don't wanna hear anything outta you. This is your fault in the first place!" I cross my arms over my chest, feeling my face get hotter.

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