Chapter 2

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"Quit fidgeting!" Izuku half yells, to get my attention

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"Quit fidgeting!" Izuku half yells, to get my attention.

"Hmm? Oh. Sorry. I'm just nervous." I wring my hands out in front of me.

"Don't be." He shrugs. There's a moment of silence, before he looks at me. "Hey, don't be!" He grabs my shoulders. "This will help."

"I know. I just... I cant shake this bad feeling." I sigh.

"Look-" Before he can finish, I feel someone slap the back of my head.

Please not today. I can't do this.

"And what are you two dumbasses talking about?" Bakugou puts his arms around me, and Izuku's shoulders.

Your murder!

".... Nothing." I say, quietly.

"No, no no no." Bakugou walks ahead, and turns around in front of us. "See you guys were talking about something, and you're gonna tell me what it was."

"Isn't it obvious. They're talking about how much they love each other, in all their quirkless  glory." The friend with the weird fingers, snickers.

"Stop it Kacchan." Izuku says, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Or what Deku!?" He threatens, and Izuku slinks away, putting his hands up in defense. "That's what I thought. You fuckin' coward." He scoffs.

Ok this needs to stop. We can't get in another fight.

"Bakugou, let's just go to class." I say, as calmly as I can.

"Not until you tell me, and I suggest you make your decision fast." He threatens, holding his hand up with sparks, and mini explosions.

"That's enough!" One of the teachers yells. "Get to class, now!"

"Tch," Bakugou rolls his eyes with a sneer, then looks at me. "I'll see you after school then." He pushes past me, and makes sure to elbow me in the ribs on the way by.

And with that, we all go to class without another word. It didn't end there though. Spit balls, crumpled pieces of paper, pens, pencils, and anything else you would think would be in a classroom was thrown at me, but that's a pretty normal day.

And every day I wait on the lunch bell, as though it is my savior.

It kind of is though.

When it does finally ring, I shoot out of my seat, and drag Izuku out of the classroom. It always feels so nice to go outside.

Probably because we can get away from Bakugou, but nice nonetheless.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Izuku asks from behind me. "Why are we running?"

I only answer when we're outside. "It's nothing. I just wanted out of there." We slow, as I see our spot coming into view.

Bakugou won't let it go if you get glasses, or even if he figures out you just went to the doctor. It'll be another nightmare.

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