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It's been 3 days since Jimin and Taehyung reached in Jeju. For Jimin's surprise Tae didn't gave any attention to him and acted like a complete stranger. No talking just silently avoiding him. It shocked Jimin very much.

They reached their resort at Friday night and from next day onwards Tae gone to attend the conference and Both never met once since then. It made Jimin kinda feel bad and alone. On Monday Jaesook his dance trainer came there and he started to prepare for the competition. The competition held on Tuesday and he was working hard for it. But something inside him made Jimin distracted and he finally took a short break. He took out his phone and dialled Yeonjun.

" Ooooiii... Jiminiee..."

" Yeonieee...."

"Wae....what happened to you that you sound so sulky....?"


" What's the matter?"


"Ha?.... didn't you told that he was avoiding you and you two never met after reaching now what ?"

"That's what upsets me Yeoniee....I thought avoiding him and being distant I will be ok...but now it makes me more frustrated...I can't even concentrate on my practises too..."

" Minnie you have any bipolar disorder love?"


"Don't scream you shorty...I really can't understand you Jimin...."

"Me too...I am sooooo much confused that why I am behaving like this...Ani...ottokkeee...."

" You know what....just go and talk to him..."

" No way...I will not...."

" Jimin listen, I know you are confused and stressed right now...but like mom said why don't you try to talk to him...
Deep down you know you are guilty for ruining his car and always insulting just go and apologize also invite him to competition."

" Yeoniee...."

"Yes you will... that's what upsets you were like this when you are guilty about your actions....remember the incident Of misunderstood her and when you realised the truth you was like this...after apologized to her you became ok....
You know what you did was wrong and so just accept the fact and say sorry . I am saying this for you it ok..."

" I hate it when you are correct..."

" Then be a good boy and apologize ok...?"

" Ok..."

They both talked for sometime and end the call. Jimin felt so much peace and relief after talking with Yeonjun and he decided to talk Tae when he returns.

On the other hand Tae was feeling little bit of better when he got Jeju. It was Jungkook's suggestion he should attend the meetings in Jeju cause the new place and interactions will make him better, and it was true though....he was out with the projects and meetings all day and at night he worked hard for the presentation....
He was feeling bit relaxed and peaceful after coming Jeju...but still the pain hurted him whenever his thoughts ended in Tahi. But the busy schedule made him distracted from it. He take his own time to understand every of his faults and started to concentrate on it..
Day by day he got a hold of himself that his inner self can feel the healing. One thing he decided that he will not be the same Taehyung but a new one when he leave Jeju.

So on this period of time he didn't want to involve with Jimin cause he know if they talk it will not end good maybe leads to another fight of ego and insult. He wanted change into a new person and it didn't have anything to do with Jimin. So he completely ignored him.

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