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Finally Namjoon and Jungkook reached at Korea around 11 pm. They straightly gone to home so that Joon can rest well. For Jungkook he travelled a lot regarding business matters so the flight trip is not something bothers him, but for Joon it's his first experience and at the end of the day he is so much tired and slightly sick.

To say after crying so hardly in plane Joon got a severe headache and fever.
Joon was almost in a passed out stage when they got to home . It worried all of them and Mrs. Jeon already checked him and gave him a shot and some medicines..(she is a doctor ). She told them that it's because his body is heavily exhausted and the jet lagg and climatic changes. After getting enough sleep he will be alright and the fever will be down by the morning.
All of them was worried but it was already late so all decided to sleep.
Joon was sleeping peacefully so,without waking him up Jungkook cleaned Joon's body with warm water and changed his dresses into pair of pajamas so that he can sleep comfortably. All night even in tired state Jungkook stayed up and take care of his husband . Around 4 in the morning Joon's fever completely stopped and Jungkook slept beside him...

After having hours of peaceful sleep like around 12 pm Joon wake up with a slight headache. He looked around the room to find Jungkook but obviously wasn't there. Slowly he remembered the last night incidents and how he felt dizzy and in pain. He was already passed out so he couldn't remember anything other than that. Also not seeing his Hubby made him sad.. That's when he saw a pink sticky note beside the bed drawer near to his phone.

" Baby....

I have to go company for some urgent matters ..
so when you wake up eat properly and rest well...I will come soon .."

Seeing this Joon felt happy but the sadness never left him too. With a pout he gone to downstairs where Yeonjun
and Mrs.Jeon were sitting.

"Oh wake up..."


He gone to Mrs. Jeon and dat beside her while hugging tightly...

"Are you feeling ok Joonie ?"

"Yes Yeoniee...I am perfectly ok now.."

"But what's wrong with that cute pout son ?"

"Eomma...I miss hyungiee...why he should go to office today..I wanna see him.. can't he take rest today..?"

"I guess God approved your wish Joon..
There comes your husband..."

Hearing Yeonjun he looked at the front door where he saw Jungkook's car has arrived. He immediately stood up from the seat and ran to the window side and hide behind the curtain. Both Mrs.Jeon and Yeonjun looked at him confusingly and Joon signalled them to not tell.
Both of them chuckled at his action and nodded their head..

The curtain was a long one so no one can't find even someone was standing behind it. Joonie giggled slightly and covered his mouth his hands and watched Jungkook coming inside the home through the gap of curtains.
On the other side Jungkook was eager to meet his bub. When he called Joon after the meeting he didn't picked the call so he thought maybe he was still sleeping . He even didn't had the heart to go for the meeting but it was important and his presence was necessary. Still in the meeting he couldn't completely focus on it . After completing it he immediately rushed to home.

"Hey was your meeting?"

" went good .eomma did Joonie wakeup?"

" I guess he is still sleeping baby..why don't you check on him ?"

Jungkook nodded furiously and ran towards their room. Seeing this Joon's giggles increased but still he hide there.
After some minutes a worried angry Jungkook came downstairs..

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