~the call~

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The Chinese Grand Prix was cancelled due to covid restrictions, meaning Millie had a few weeks to relax. Oh Wait. No. She had to go to college.
You see, Millie didn't quit high school to persue her racing career, she just missed the fridays and mondays of her final year so she could travel out to her race weekends. She still sat her GCSEs, some however in different environments. She managed to get top grades in all her subjects too. When she was told her racing time was limited, she enrolled at the sixth form of her high school along with her two best friends Mia and Maisie. Choosing subjects to take had been difficult because choosing a whole new career path was the last thing she wanted to do, having previously chased the dream of being a professional racing driver. She knew she still wanted to work in motorsports, so ended up choosing physics, maths and history at A-Level, the physics and maths allowing her to go on to university and study to be a race engineer and the history just as a filler because she had to choose 3 and she had always enjoyed History in high school.
The sixth form were never happy that she travelled to race weekends, lowering her attendance, but she was still passing her classes with flying colours and catching up on work she missed. If anything, she worked twice as hard as her fellow students and was now in her A-Level year. Her head if sixth form didn't like the time she missed because she was worried she wouldn't get the grades in her exams, but her mock grades didn't show any time off atall.
Finally it was race week again, this time in Azerbaijan.
Millie, Mia and Maisie were all sat at their table eating lunch.
"Are you leaving early Mil?" Mia asked her
"Yeah, i'll leave at the end of lunch. my flight out is at 3 and once i'm there i'll barely get any sleep due to time difference if i wanna catch the first session of the day."
"are you sad you haven't seen your boyfriend in nearly three weeks?" Maisie asked
"my boyfriend?"
It was Mia that then spoke up
"Yeah. Mr Ollie bearman"
"how many times guys, he's not my boyfriend. But to answer your question, of course i'm excited to see him, just as i am Arthur and Jack"
Mia and Maisie looked at each other with a knowing look, which Millie noticed. She rolled her eyes and looked at the clock.
"right i'm off, i'll see you next week yeah?"
"see ya"
"have fun"
"bye girls" and with that she grabbed her bag and left the building.
millienorris via stories

She entered the paddock with a huge smile on her face

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She entered the paddock with a huge smile on her face. She made a beeline straight for the mclaren garages and walked in just as lando was getting his race suit on. She didn't want to distract him so stood back until he looked up and waved her over. Making her way over she saw Oscar and gave him a quick wave.
"Hey Lan"
he gave her a quick hug
"Hey Mil, how was the flight?"
"not too bad, dragged a lot but is what it is"
"did you sleep well"
"not really, i've slept in plenty of hotel beds and last nights was not one of the greatest"
"is what it is i guess, how were college about you leaving again?"
"they don't even know, i slipped out at lunch"
"i do my best" she said as she giggled
"right i've got to go and do this FP1 session, it's the only practise session i get this weekend"
"ah right, forgot it was a sprint weekend. pretty stupid the new format"
"hmm don't go letting anyone hear you say that, especially the FIA. They'll be banning you from the paddock at this rate"
she laughed
"alright alright. go drive your fast car round now"
"oh shut up"
"good luck Lan"
"Thanks Mil"
After watching FP1 and the F2 practise, which ollie has topped the timesheets in, it was time for F1 quali. Millie had stayed in Landos garage all day, busy catching up with his crew. She hasn't had time to go and catch up with anyone, so she was scared when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped as she turned around.
"oh my god Ollie you scared the crap out of me!"
"sorry Mil, you hadn't been to see me today so i was fuming!"
"ah yes i can sense your anger" she said in a very sarcastic tone
Ollie rolled his eyes and pulled her into a long hug
"i missed you Mil" he said just so she could hear.
She smiled into his chest "i've missed you too Ol"
qualifying for sundays race had ended, Lando qualifying P7 and Oscar P10. it wasn't the best but it was a huge improvement for the team, considering where they were last year and at the start of this season. Millie waited as the F2 cars were brought into the pitlane, ready for their qualifying session.
"Hey Fred"
"Hey Millie, lovely to see you here"
"Ready for quali?"
"pretty much, street circuits are tricky so i need to watch the walls"
"yeah baku is tough to drive....i assume......i've done it on Landos sim a few times if that counts"
Frederik laughed
"Of course Millie, of course"
"hey guys"
Ollie came up to them and sling his arm around millie's shoulder. She leaned into his side, taking in his warmth.
"they are ready for us in the cars Fred"
"ah ok, see you later millie"
"good luck fred"
she turned to Ollie as he let go of her. she missed his warmth.
"good luck Ol. Pole position i'm telling you"
" i wouldn't go that far, but thanks Mil"
He gave her a quick hug before heading off to his car.
Millie quickly made her way towards Jacks team and got the ok from a mechanic to speak to him. He was already in the car with his helmet on, ready to go. She walked and stop infront of the car to get his attention and gave him a thumbs up. Even though he was wearing a helmet, she saw his face move to indicate he was smiling as he nodded his head at her and sent a thumbs up back her way. She headed back though the mclaren garage and found a seat to watch the quali from.

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