~stay with me~

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The next couple of months were bliss for millie. She would travel the world with her brother, admiring the races from the mclaren box. Ollie would join her sometimes too. Watching racing was something they enjoyed doing in each others company, as they never really got to watch each other due to them racing in the same series. Even though Lando hadnt won another race since Monza, he had been amazing, scoring podiums almost every weekend. Between him and Oscar, the team had got many podiums and points, pushing them further than they would have ever imagined. Millie and Ollie were happy for the two, and would cheer them on, along with ferrari of course. Here they were in brazil, sat above the mclaren box, watching the cars line up on the grid with the mechanics making their final checks before lights out.

She sat on her chair, one leg crossed over the other, leaning into Ollie's side. He had his arm wrapped around her and was tracing shapes on her upper arm, where his hand was rested. She was truly happy in this moment, and forgot about all the pressures that were heading her way. She forgot about the championship battle. She forgot about the potential for her van to be lifted. She forgot about trying to find a contract for next year. All her worries were gone when she was with him. She had one of his hands in her lap, and she was just playing with his fingers until she suddenly moved her head up. Ollie jumped at her sudden movement before giggling.
"you ok?"
"i'm bored. there's still 30 minutes until the race"
"ok. what do you wanna do?"
she sent him a smirk
"i have the perfect plan"

She grabbed his hands and dragged him as she started jogging through mclaren hospitality and towards Landos driver room. Ollie was confused but waited outside as she nipped in. She then returned with four passes. Ollie took a moment to look closer. on two of them he read the words pitlane and on the other two he read the words grid.

She sent him a smile before speaking up.
"fancy a grid walk?"

millienorris via stories

The next thing they knew, they were walking through the hustle and bustle of the formula 1 grid

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The next thing they knew, they were walking through the hustle and bustle of the formula 1 grid. They never really experienced this due to all preparation for formula 2 being done in the pitlane. Ollie was smiling and constantly moving his head, taking in all the sights of the grid. Millie had done a couple of grid walks, but usually preferred to stay in the mclaren or ferrari box as she didn't want to be out on the grid alone. They moved up to the P2 spot to the papaya car. Looking past the car, Lando was spotted sat with his back up against the track wall. They made their way over and sat either side.
"hey guys!" lando said shocked "what are you doing here"
millie shrugged
"we were bored and ollie has never actually done a grid walk before sooo"
lando turned to him
"really? should have said earlier. i can get you down here whenever just let me know"
"thanks lan" he said

the three spoke for about 5 minutes until lando had to go for the national anthem. At this point millie gently took ollie's hand and walked back to the mclaren box with him. They weren't exactly public yet, but over the past few months she had began to feel more comfortable showing affection around him. Throughout the whole race she held his hand, grip tightening when Lando would battle or come in for a pit stop. Ollie couldn't help but smile when he felt her squeeze his hand or shake it out of excitement. She was so passionate about this sport and so supportive of her brother racing and he truly admired her for it. he admired her every day. he was well and truly in love with her.

Lando and Oscar came second and third, causing millie to jump up and hug ollie when they crossed the line. They went to watch the podium before heading back into mclaren hospitality to grab some food. Lando and Oscar eventually made their way over to the table and spoke about the race for a while before switching subjects. Oscar put his elbows on the table and put his hands together.
she mimicked his actions
the four of them giggled before oscar continued to speak.

"big race weekend for you next. how are you feeling"
"shitting it oscar honestly" she said truthfully
She felt ollie put his hand on her thigh under the table and give it an encouraging squeeze before he spoke
"millie your gonna smash it. you know you will"
oscar and lando nodded in agreement
"i hope so, but realistically i can't go into the race weekend with the mentality of right i've got this in the bag, because i've not, and the last thing i would want to do is give myself cause hope. i need to go into the weekend thinking that it's my last and that i'm gonna give it all i've got"
oscar smiled
"your really mature in the way you think millie, especially for formula 2. i'm proud of you. your way more mature than lando" he said
millie smiled a large genuine smile. for oscar to say he was proud of her truly meant a lot. Lando, however, faked being hurt by oscar's comment about not being mature, but quickly laughed it off with the others.

That night, Millie lay awake in bed. She wasn't tired and she was bored.

Millie: heyy. are you awake? x

Ollie: Hey yeah i am. is everything ok? x

Millie: no x

Ollie: what's wrong? x

Millie: i'm bored and can't sleep x
read 23:38

She frowned at how he had read her message and then gone offline. maybe the signal on his floor was bad? after a couple of minutes there was a gentle tap at her door. She was confused but got up and opened it either way. To her shock, there stood Ollie Bearman. He sent her a charming smile before walking in.
"what are you doing here?" she asked him
"you were bored and couldn't sleep so i thought i'd come for a while"
she smiled at him. he was everything and more to her.

They both got comfy lay in bed cuddled together. After about an hour, millie was nearly asleep on his chest. he nudged her and said he would go if she was tired. instead she snuggled into him more and whispered
"stay with me"
he placed a kiss to her forehead before whispering back
they both smiled before ollie spoke again
"i need to take my shirt off if i'm sleeping though. i'm boiling"
she moved her head up and watched him as he pulled the shirt over his head. She was staring and knew he would notice but she didn't even care. Looking at her, he smirked when he saw the look on her face.
"hmmm someone seems more awake"
"how can i not be when you look that fucking good" she said moving closer to him.
the pair of them were amazed by each other, and took that love and passion into a night they would never forget, but i'll give them their privacy for that.

"i love you ollie"
"i love you millie"
"more than anything"
"more than anything"

there was only one more obstacle they had to overcome now....

Abu Dhabi

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