~panics and flashbacks~

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This was it. Spa weekend. Millie was stood at the bottom of Eau Rouge on the start of her track walk. The flashbacks came to her.

Heading up onto the straight she had no time to think. An FIA car pulled out onto the track. If she pulled out to the left, she would hit the wall, if she pulled out to the right she would go straight into Jack. Both her and Jack had no time to think and went crashing into each other, causing a huge collision. Both cars went spinning out of control and Millie's flipped up into the air. She glided down the straight upside down and lost all consciousness. The FIA car was nowhere to be seen anymore.

her confidence wasn't gained when she thought about the young driver that had died here a couple of months previous. Dilano was only a few months older than she was. Shows it really can happen to anyone.
"millie" she turned around.
"oh hey ollie what's up"
"you stopped walking with the rest of us. everyone else is already at the top"
"oh um...yeah sorry let's go"
she went to carry on walking when he grabbed her hand to keep her back. she turned to face him.
"talk to me"
"im fine"
"no your not mil. now come on. speak to me"
she sighed
"this place. this whole weekend. it brings back awful memories"
he pulled her into a hug
"i know mil. you struggled last year and i completely understand why your still struggling"
"every time i go up through this corner and onto the straight i just get flashbacks. i see the car pulling infront of me. i remember not knowing what to do. one thing hurts me and the other hurts jack. it's awful ol"
"i bet it is" he moved back but kept his hands on her shoulders "but your a bloody amazing racing driver and if anyone can smash this weekend out the park it's you. you've prepared on the sim and you know what your fighting for. i'm here for you ok and if you feel scared you know you can come to me ok?"
she smiled and wiped her eyes, which had glossed over from tears threatening to spill.
"thankyou ol"
"anything for you"
he moved his hand to her face to wipe away some smudged mascara. she giggled.
"sorry i'm..."
"beautiful" he finished for her "your beautiful"
"i was gonna say i'm a mess"
"well your wrong"

they looked into each other eyes.
"i wish there were so many people around right now" he said
"so i could kiss you"
"later" she said with a wink before she continued to walk
he laughed as he set off to catch up with her.

millienorris via stories

once the track walk was complete, they had a free hour before a few meetings

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once the track walk was complete, they had a free hour before a few meetings. Millie went into the prema driver room and grabbed her f1 paddock pass. she was lucky her brother was a driver, because he gave her a pass every weekend incase she fancies a visit, which is exactly what she had planned to do.

as she was walking down the paddock she spotted a familiar face.
"hey millie"
"it still feels strange seeing you in alpha tauri gear"
"yeah we'll get used to it cause i'm back"
she giggled
"you never left danny" she said with a smile
"where are you off to then mil?"
"mclaren. i wanna talk to lan"
"what's up?"
"spa isn't exactly one of my favourite places for obvious reasons. i don't know why it still bothers me though. it pisses me off that it stresses me out so much. my weekend is already fucked"
"okay mil relax and take a few deep breaths"
she was shaking and could feel herself going dizzy. this was the start of her panic attacks. she used to get them a lot last year just due to her anxiety. Daniel knew. he took her hand and lead her into alphatauri and up to his driver room. he sat her down on the couch and did some breathing exercises with her. it was difficult to calm her down and usually only ollie and lando could do it, but since they had caught it early, daniel managed to relax her. she looked up at him.
"i'm so sorry dan"
"mil im not bothered. as long as your ok that's all that matters yeah?"
"yeah. thankyou so much."
"no worries kiddo." he gave her a hug followed by one of his famous smiles before walking her to mclaren.
"good luck danny and thankyou once again"
"no worries mil. i'll see you later"

walking into mclaren with a ferrari shirt on felt odd, but the whole team knew her well. she got a few heys and hellos from the team before she found her way to Lando, who was in the pitlane talking to Zak Brown.
"hey millie how are you today?" he said when he noticed her
Lando turned around to face her with a smile on his face but that quickly fell when he saw her bloodshot eyes. she put on a smile to respond to zak.
"im doing great thanks. looking forwards to another strong weekend here at mclaren?"
"indeed we are millie. the car is looking good, not to mention the skills of your dear. brother here"
Lando smiled. he had been quite unlucky in hungary and was nudged off the track, causing him to just about miss out on a podium. Oscar finished P3 and Lando P4, so still a very good haul of points considering where they were at the start of the year. Zak said he needed to go attend to some business before walking away.
"what's wrong mil?"
Lando knew. Lando ALWAYS knew.
"i stressed myself out over being here again. i spoke with daniel and i think i'm feeling alot more calm and relaxed so don't worry. i'm ok"
he gave her a quick hug
"you better be" he said with a playful nudge "we need our formula 2 championship leader back"
she rolled her eyes before letting out a small giggle.
"anyway, why did you come down here?" he asked
"i don't know. think i just wanted to see you really."
" well here i am"

they laughed and spoke for a while before millie returned to the support paddock. she walked into the prema f2 motorhome, spotting ollie sat down alone. he was the only one in there. when he noticed her he looked up and smiled, patting the seat next to him, inviting her to sit down. when she did, he turned to face her.
"your eyes are red, are you ok?" he said, gently moving a piece of hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear.
"yeah yeah i'm fine just got stressed that's all"
"and did you think it all through?"
"yeah i actually sat down with daniel for a bit"
"that's good. it's amazing to have him back around the paddock"
"it really is. have you ever actually met him?"
"remind me over the weekend and i'll introduce you. i think you would get along well"
he smiled, still facing her
"you look nice"
"what's with all the compliments"
"am i not allowed to compliment you?"
"well i mean you are but i'm just not used to it"
"we'll get used to it because i'm not going anywhere" he said, placing his hand on the side of her face
she took the hint and leant in for the kiss. they both got lost in the moment and didn't hear someone walk in
"woah what the fuck"
they both pulled apart very quickly and looked up to see a very smug dino, paul and zak stood there. the three of them had smirks on their face.
"you two owe me £20" zak said to the other two
"woah woah woah let's find out the facts first" paul said before turning to the pair "are you two together?"
they looked at each other before ollie spoke
"well not officially but we are dating yeah"
"awwwww" the three said in unison
"now" zak turned to paul and dino and held out his hand "£20 off both of you please"
the five of them laughed
"you cant tell anyone guys" millie said
"yeah it's fine. your secret is safe with us" dino said sitting next to her
"so how come you guys made a bet?" ollie asked
"well" paul spoke up "we saw the connection and knew you guys were close, but then we noticed you were always standing close to each other or just little things slowly changed after the kiss in monaco so we made a bet"
they all laughed again
"go on" dino said looking at millie next to him "when did it start"
"it was monaco" she replied "even though we told the press it was heatof the moment and stuff. i'm shocked the press and the fans fell for that to be honest, although ollie did lie and say that was true to me at first, which hurt but we quickly figured out he was lying"
"i'm happy for you guys" paul said

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