Time to recouple (5)

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I wake up and go out on my green bikini and smile. I put my hair in a bun and smile. I go outside me Haris hands me coffee.I thank him and sit beside him. "So, how did you sleep?" Asked Haris. "Great, the bed is comfy but I do miss my bed" I said. "Do you live by yourself?" asked Haris. "I live with Ashton and I'm like 10 minutes away from Mase" I said. "That close" said Haris. "Yeah, I love it though." I said. Haris smiles and I look at Tom and Zara. Their always talking now.

I spot Olivia and she looks pissed. "Liv looks pissed. I hope she doesn't start a fight" I said. Haris shrugs. "She'll do what she likes and I hope she doesn't because it's Love Island, better connection with someone else, go for it" said Haris. I nod, agreeing with him.

Ashton and Will walk over. "Their so stressed.... Aka Liv" said Ashton. I nod. "She is but it's love island, it's meant to be like this" I said. Ashton nods and we decide to go to the sun beds and lie down. I play with my fingers and look at Ashton. She smiles and plays with her rings.

I hear a beep and it's Will's. "I've got a text! Islanders there will be recoupling tonight and the girls will be picking tonight" said Will. I nod and look at Haris. "Don't worry, me and you" said Haris. I hear my phone beep. "I've got a text! Since Zara is new, she gets to choose first" I read out. I notice Olivia is upset.

We go get ready for tonight and I just know tonight is gonna be wild. I go to the bathroom and have a shower. I dry myself and pull on my robe. I go find an outfit.

I pull on a black body suit which is lace and a black pair of jeans

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I pull on a black body suit which is lace and a black pair of jeans. I pull on black heels and curl my hair. I put it in a ponytail and light make up. I go downstairs and go to Haris. He smiles at me and hugs me. "Wow" said Haris. "Thanks" I said.

Soon we get called to the fire pit and we sit down while the boys stand up. Zara stands up and I look at her.

"I want to couple up with this boy because ever since I've came in, his caught my eyes and we have gotten along really well and I can see us lasting. The boy I want to couple up with is.... Tom" said Zara, smiling. Tom walks over and hugs her. I glance at Olivia and she is pissed.

It's my turn and I stand up.

"I want to couple up with this boy because right now his the only one who makes me feel happy and I'm looking forward to seeing where this leads. The boy I want to couple up with is..... Haris" I said, smiling. Haris walks over to me and hugs me.

Ashton stands up and smiles.

"I want to couple up with this boy because we have gotten along and I find myself falling for him if it continues this way. The boy I want to couple up with is..... Will" said Ashton. Will walks over and kisses her before they sit.

Lana stands up and smiles.

"I want to couple up with boy because we have this connection that I think is strong and that we will succeed in this villa. The boy I want to couple up with is... Ron" said Lana. Ron walks over and hugs her before kissing her,

Tanyel stands up and smiles.

"I choose to couple up with this boy because we have a good connection and I want to explore it. The boy I want to couple up with is.... Kai" said Tanyel, he walks over and kisses her.

Tanya stands up.

"This boy has made my time so far so fun and exciting, I want to see where we go and I want to couple up with Shaq" said Tanya. He walks over and kisses her.

Finally Olivia stands up and smiles.

"I know me and him haven't chatted much but I think we could work. So the boy I choose to couple up with is.... David" said Olivia. He walks over and they sit down. Soon Olivia stands up and glares at Zara and walks away. I roll my eyes and go to Zara.

"I'm sorry your dealing with her" I said. "So am I. She's acting like she doesn't know how this plays out sometimes" said Zara. "She'll calm down" I said, nodding. "Doubt it" said Zara, we all go into our couples before we hear shouting, I stand up and walk over.

"Seriously Zara! You slept with my ex and now this" said Olivia. "Yeah, I slept with your ex after you dumped him! And this is Love Island! I feel a connection with Tom so I chose him!" Said Zara. "Your doing this to hurt me!" Said Olivia. "I didn't fly 12 or so hours to just annoy you! I came here to find love and if I have to step on toes I will do it!" Said Zara. Olivia goes to hit her but I grab her arm. "Back off, Liv. Your overreacting. She came for love as did you. So just back off!" I said. Liv rolls her eyes. "Two bitches are here. Zara and Hallie" said Olivia. She walks off and I roll my eyes. "Real mature Olivia" I shout after her and hug Zara.

"Thanks" said Zara, looking down. "She's a bitch" I said. Tom walks over and hugs me. "Your the best" said Tom. "I better be" I said. "You are" said Zara, hugging me.

After we change and lie in bed, Haris turns to me. "You should have left it" said Haris. "No. She's a bitch and she doesn't get the right to hurt someone physically" I said. Haris nods and we fall asleep.

Looks like Zara, Hallie and Olivia are not going to get along.

Next time:

Challenge causes something

Olivia is still being a bitch

Zara and Hallie talk

Hope you enjoy this chapter

Lorna xx

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