Postcard (15)

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I wake up and go find a bikini set. I pull on my bikini and pull on my flip flops before leaving my hair natural. I sigh and look in the mirror. I go downstairs and have coffee and cereal. 

Casey walks over and leans against the counter beside me. "How are you?" asked Casey. "I'm good" I said, nodding. "So, do you miss Tom?" asked Casey. I laugh and nod. "I do, I really do" I said. He nods and hugs me.

"You know, I think Ashton is going to stay single" said Casey. "How?" I ask. "I don't know" said Casey. I sigh and rub my arms. "I want Ash to make a good decision" I said. "She will" said Casey. "How come your not worried about getting into the villa?" I ask. "I am but me and Lana have something good going on" said Casey, smiling and going over to her. I laugh and go sit beside Tanya. 

"Martin is fun, funny and so kind" said Tanya. "Oh right" I said, smiling. We chat for a bit before we decide to play truth or dare. I play with my rings and decide to do truth. 

"Truth or dare, Hallie?" asked Liv. "Truth" I said, nodding. "Who do you like from the main villa?" asked Liv, smirking. I blush and sigh. "Tom" I said. Samie looks at me and I look away. Liv's smirking and I let out the biggest smirk. 

"Truth or dare Liv?" I ask, smirking. "Truth" said Liv. "What do you really think of everyone" I said. "Your all lovely" said Liv. I just sigh and turn. 

Tom's POV:

As I'm lounging, Ron runs in holding a postcard? We run over and look. 

"Samie ... that's in bed!!" I said. As we see Ashton doing the same!

We're furious and we rip it up. We throw it in the bin and I sit down. "I'm done with Samie! I have done nothing! I can't wait for Hallie to come back" said Tom. "Same here" said Will. He goes to Jessie and they begin to chat. I sigh and look on my phone.

Kai walks over with Sanam and they hug me. "At least you have Hallie and I mean, this could be it. You and Hallie are endgame. Your best friends" said Kai. "I know, I really like her" I said. "I'm proud, you kissed two frogs and found the one" said Kai, smiling. I laugh and punch his arm. "I can't wait to meet her" said Sanam. "She's amazing" I said. "Hallie on the postcard though, they were just hugging" said Kai. "They were" I said, nodding. 

We go get ready for the night. 

Hallie's POV:

I see Ashton walk over to me and she sits me down

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I see Ashton walk over to me and she sits me down. "I've decided that when its time for stick or twist is that I'm coupling up with Jordan" said Ashton. "Your fucking with me" I said. "No" said Ashton. I'm so angry. 

"Ash! What the fuck happened?" I ask. "I don't know, his so sweet, he says nothing wrong and he likes me" said Ashton. "Ash! You and Will have a connection, I have never seen you so happy with anyone else other then Will!" I said, nearly shouting. "It's my decision! So back off!" said Ashton, walking off. I gasp and go to the terrace. I sit down and play with my dress. 

Casey and Tanya join me."You ok?" asked Tanya. "No. We just fought and we never really fight" I said. "It's ok, everything will calm down" said Casey. I nod and hug them. "I just want to hug Tom." I said, playing with my fingers. "I know you do" said Casey, rubbing my back. 

We go down and I sigh. Eventually we go to bed. I lie down and fall asleep pretty quickly.

And this is a shit show for them!

Next time on Love Island:



Hope you enjoy

Lorna xx

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