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I wake up to Tom kissing my back. I smile and turn around. "Morning, T" I said, kissing him. "Morning H" said Tom. I push myself up and we go get ready. I pull on my black bikini and then a pair of shorts with a matching shirt. I leave it open and brush my hair. 

I leave it down and go downstairs with Tom holding my hand. We have cereal and settle down. I play with Tom's hands. "I love you" I said. "I love you more" said Tom. 

We hear footsteps and then Kai and Sanam screaming. We look up. "MUM! KENNETH!" yelled Kai. "Mum!" yelled Sanam. They run and hug them. We wave and lean back. "Must be parent day" said Tom. "Must be" I said. We share a kiss and sit up. 

After a while, they go home. We smile and go over to Will and Jessie. "So, who do you think is coming in for you two?" asked Tom. "Mum and dad" said Will. "My mum and sister, Rachel" said Jessie, smiling. 

I watch as their faces turn. "MUM! DAD!" yelled Will. "MUM! RACHEL!" yelled Jessie. They stand up and run. I smile and wave. "Aww" I said. They go find different places to sit. "This is so sweet" I said, leaning against Tom. "It is" said Tom, placing his hand on my thigh. I smile and eventually their leaving. 

Soon Ron and Lana are screaming. I let out a small laugh and watch them both chat then come together. 

After they leave. I yawn and rub Tom's stomach. "HEY EVERYBODY!" yelled Mason. I jump and run to him. "MASE! MOM!" I yell. "Hey sis, stop yelling" said Mason, chuckling. "Mom! dad!" yelled Tom. I smile at Tom and we go separate ways with our families.

I sit down. "So, what do you think of Tom?" I ask. I look between them. Mason smiles. "Hallie, we love him. He treats you so well and you started off as friends and I think it's helped you become stronger" said Mason. "And this is the first time we have seen you this happy" said mum. "Really?" I ask. "Really, you look amazing together." said mum. "And plus, his a footballer." said Mason. I let out a laugh. "Mase has news" said mum.

Mason gulps. "I've joined Man United" said Mason. I look at him. "Oh. Congratulations! But I will miss seeing you in blue" I said. "I know" said Mason. I hug him. "I'll always support you but Chelsea is my club" I said. "I know, sis." said Mason, kissing my cheek. 

"Hey, mum and dad want to meet you" said Tom, blushing. I jump up. "Hi! It's so lovely to meet you!" I said. They hug me and we sit down. "Tom, a footballer. Welcome to the family!" said Mason. "Thank you, your sister is amazing" said Tom. "She sure is" said Mason. "We've never seen Tom this happy before" said Mrs. Clare. "I'm happy I make him happy, Mrs. Clare" I said. "Call me Maxine and him, Jonathon!" said Maxine. I nod.

"We love how you both started as friends. That's how me and Maxi here started" said Jonathon. "Really? I didn't even think me and Tom would get here but I am so happy we did. I love him so much" I said. "And we can see that, we adore you and adore you with Tom" said Maxine. I tear up and we share hugs.  We take pictures before their going.

We walk them to the door and share hugs. After they go, I hug Tom. "I have missed them" I said. "I've missed mine too, but your brother and mum, their amazing" said Tom. I smile and nod. "They sure are" I said. 


"It felt good to see mum and Mase, I've missed them so much" I said.

"Mum and dad approve of Hallie and I miss them so much" said Tom.

We go get ready for tonight.

I pull on my mint green dress and white heels

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I pull on my mint green dress and white heels. I curl my hair and do light make up. I smile and go downstairs. Tom walks over and kisses me. "You always look stunning" said Tom. I blush and kiss him.

We grab our glasses and sit down. "I can't believe we're so close to the end" said Tom. "Same. I can't wait for our lives together, house, marriage, babies" I said. Tom smirks. "Same here, my love. I can't wait for our life together." said Tom, kissing me. 

We go sit beside Will and Jessie. We chat about our parents and they smile. "Your brother is easy on the eye" said Jessie. Will nods. "Ew. That's just Mase" I said, nearly gagging. They let out a laugh and nod. 

After a while, we go to bed. I pull on a robe over my outfit which is very revealing. I slide under the covers and pull the robe off. Tom slides in and notices. "Fuck.... shit" said Tom. I smirk. "That good?" I ask. "Fuck yes!" said Tom. "NO SEXY TIME YOU TWO FREAKS!" yelled everyone. We blush and kiss. 

We fall asleep pretty quickly after that.


Next time on Love Island:

Final Date time for Will & Jessie and Ron & Lana!

Hope you enjoy!

Lorna xx

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