Casa Amor Begin (12)

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I wake up and David is getting up. "Want some tea?" asked David. "Sure" I said, smiling. "Ok" said David. He goes to do it and I go put on my bikini. I find flip flops and then leave my hair natural. I go downstairs and then David hands me my tea.

I spot Kai and Liv chat and I roll my eyes, she's choosing someone who is safe but his also being in the bottom quite a lot so I don't know if she'd be happy with him. I look at David and he smiles at me. "You look beautiful" said David. "Thanks" I said, nodding. I smile and then we go to the firepit. 

I smile at David and he smiles back. Tom walks over and sits beside me. He smiles at me and looks at Samie. "You've noticed that me and Samie are going strong" said Tom. "Yeah" I said. "I hope we stay that way" said Tom. "Guess you will have to see, I know that sounds normal but its true" I said, nodding. "Thanks" said Tom. 

Samie walks over and sits beside Tom. I smile and then we get a text.

"Islanders, tonight you'll have a special performance by Becky Hill. Hashtag partywithhill" said Liv. We all scream and go get ready for tonight. 

I pull on my black dress and knee high black boots

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I pull on my black dress and knee high black boots. I curl my hair and do dark make up. I go down and Tom wolf whistles. "You look stunning" said Tom. "Thank you" I said. We go out and Becky Hill is standing there, smiling. 

She sings three of her best songs before asking the boys to take a picture out the front. We sit down and I sigh. "Wonder what's happening?" asked Liv. I just shrug. We hear yelling and then a car driving off. We run out the front and their gone. 

"CASA AMOR!" we yell and go back inside. We sit down and Liv sighs. "I hope Kai finds no one" said Liv. I just stand up and go find Ashton. "Hey, breathe" I said. "I just.... I don't want Will to find someone else" said Ashton. "Hey he really likes you" I said. "I hope so" said Ashton. I smile and we all sit around the fire pit before we hear footsteps. "Hi girls!" said the boys.

"Hi!" we all said. "Hey! I'm Casey" said Casey, his brown hair is slightly long and bright blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Martin!" said Martin. "Maxwell" said Maxwell.  "Ryan Weekley!" said Ryan. "Aaron Waters" said Aaron. "And I'm Jordan" said Jordan. 

I sigh, no one really takes my fancy but I'll talk to them. Ryan walks over to me and sits beside me. "Your stunning" said Ryan, smiling. "Thanks. Your handsome" I said, nodding. "Yeah, I know" said Ryan. I roll my eyes and look away.  

Ryan walks off and Casey walks over. "I guess you don't like Ryan" said Casey. "Nope. His cocky" I said. "Seemed like it when we met" said Casey. I laugh and Casey smirks. "What?" I ask. "I want to know one thing.... do you have feelings for Tom?" asked Casey. I gasp and look at him. "Yeah because you both look good together and seem good together" said Casey. I sigh and nod. "I do like him but I don't know if he likes me." I said. "He'd be crazy not too" said Casey. I laugh. "So, don't take anyone back and please, tell him" said Casey. I laugh and nod.

Soon its bedtime and I grab a hoodie and get into bed. I feel the bed dip. "Can I sleep here? As a friend?" asked Casey. "Sure" I said, smiling. He slides in and we fall asleep.

Someone's admitted they like Tom.

Next time on Love Island:

Samie gets closer to Ryan

Tom begins to realise something with the help of a new girl

Ashton worries, Will is missing Ashton

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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