Final Dates 1 (29)

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I pull on my bikini and a wrap around. I smile and brush my hair. I pin some back and smirk. We go downstairs and have breakfast. 

We clean up and then lie on a sunbed. "Can't believe it's the final three days" said Tom, kissing me. "Same here, my love" I said, leaning up to kiss her. "You look so beautiful" said Tom. "Thank you but you look so handsome" I said. Tom blushes and kisses me.

We hear a phone beep and we sit up. "I got a text!" said Jessie. "Will and Jessie, please get ready for your final date" said Jessie, smiling. Will jumps up and hugs her. They go get ready. Me, Sanam and Lana go with Jessie to get her ready.

Jessie has a summer dress and some cowboy boots on. I smile and hug her. "You look stunning" said Lana. "Thanks" said Jessie. We go downstairs and we wish them luck before they leave. Me and Tom share a kiss. We go sit down at the pool. We paddle our feet. Tom smiles. 

"You look as beautiful, you are glowing" said Tom. I blush and kiss him. "Your so handsome, T. You really are" I said, kissing his neck. "Oi, stop flirting!" yelled Ron. We flip him off and go lie on a sun bed. 

I yawn and lean against Tom. "I love you, T" I said, looking up at him. "I love you too, H" said Tom. We share another kiss and then we decide to go swimming. We pull our mic's off and jump in. 

We swim around and then we swim around. "You two look cozy" said Lana, sitting down on the side. "We sure are" I said, smiling. "You two are so cute" said Lana, splashing us. I smile and lay on my bed. I smile and rub my face. Once we step out, we lay down and let ourselves dry.

Afterwards, its been a couple of hours and their back. We separate into two groups. We sit on beside the firepit and smile. "How was it?" I ask. "Beautiful, it was in a little farm house and a romantic dinner in the farmhouse. Then we did some hoedown dancing. It was so fun" said Jessie. "Wow, that sounds amazing!" said Lana "It was" said Jessie, smiling. 

Lana's phone beeps and she turns it on. "Lana and Ron, time to go on your final date. Get ready to go" said Lana. We go help her get ready in a white bikini and a white dress. She puts on a pair of heels. We do her make up and hair. We walk downstairs and wave them goodbye. 

Tom walks over and pulls me into him. "We have to get ready for tonight, see you soon" said Tom, kissing me. I smile and kiss him. I go to the dressing room with Jessie and Sanam.

I do my hair in beach waves and natural make up.

I do my hair in beach waves and natural make up

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I pull on a two piece and smile. It's sparkly and glittery! I smile and pull on heels with diamonds on it. I smile and do a spin. I go downstairs and Tom walks over to me. "You.... wow you look beautiful..... I don't even know what to say" said Tom, blushing. "Thanks, you look so good too" I said, smiling at him. We share a kiss and hug. We go to the table to grab some glasses. 

We sit down and Tom places his hands on my thighs. We share a kiss and I smile. "This place, I will miss it" I said. Tom nods. "Same here, my love" said Tom. We share another kiss and then we see Lana and Ron walk in. "Hey lets just have one big chat" said Tom and Kai. Ron and Lana agree, where we sit down. 

"We were on a yacht and wow, it was amazing. It was so romantic and we loved it!" said Lana. "Wow" said everyone. Everyone splits apart again and I go with Tom. We sit down and Tom rubs my thigh. I smile and kiss him. 

After a while, it's time for bed. I go pull on my shorts and a tank top. I go slide under the covers and Tom walks in. He slides in beside me. We share a kiss and go to bed. I fall asleep in Tom's arms. 

And two finals dates are done!

Next time on Love Island:

Final dates x 2.

Kai and Sanam.

Tom and Hallie. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Lorna xx

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