More Drama (25)

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I wake up and kiss Tom's cheek. I go to the bathroom and have a shower before getting out to dry myself. I find a bikini I want to wear. I pull on a nude bikini and pull on my flip flops. I hear footsteps and Tom pokes his head in. 

"Morning.... holy shit" said Tom, walking over. He places his hands on my hips and smirks. "You look stunning" said Tom. "Aw, thanks" I said, blushing. I turn and lean up. I kiss him and he kisses back. He picks me up and places me on the counter.

"Ahem" coughed Ron. We jump apart and we see Ron standing there smirking. "Morning, lovebirds" said Ron. "Morning" I said. I hop down and let Tom bring me down to the kitchen.

"Fuck that was nerve wrecking" I said. "I can't believe he walked in on us" said Tom, smirking. "Same here" I said. We have cereal and coffee before cleaning. We go to the pool and lie on the sunbeds, we take the bottom of the mic's off and put them on our shoulder. 

"I can't wait for you to meet my family. Stacey lives in Australia so we can do a trip over there" I said. "I'd love too" said Tom. I smile and look at the sky. "Would your parents like me?" I ask, looking at him. "Oh, they'd love you because they love strong women" said Tom. I smile and lean over to kiss him. "I love you" I said, smiling. "I love you, H" said Tom.

We stand up and go to a sunbed that's covered. I smile and lean my head on his chest. I kiss his chest and rub his chest. Jessie and Will walk over. They sit down and smile. Then we hear shouting. 

We look up and I look at Ron and Leo. "Oh shit" I said. We stand up and walk closer to make sure it doesn't get bad. 

"You chose Lana and I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend and then you chose her! You didn't even really chat to her so why choose her!" shouted Ron. "Want to know the truth?" asked Leo. "Sure" said Ron.

"Because Hallie wouldn't give me a shot, so I had to choose!" shouted Leo. "Ok hold up right there! You couldn't take no for an answer and then decided lets pick someone without even discussing it with her! Your a piece of work and a jerk!" shouted Ron. Leo rolls up his hands into fists. Tom steps in and pushes him back. 

"Back off Leo, I mean it" said Tom. "Fine." said Leo, walking away. "I'm sick of him!" said Ron. "I think everyone is" I said, nodding. 

After a while we go get ready for the night. 

I pull on my pink dress and nude heels

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I pull on my pink dress and nude heels. I brush my hair and sigh. I decide to leave it natural and just pin some back. I light make up and smile. Tom walks in and smiles. "Stunning as usual" said Tom. I nod, thanking him.

I sit down and sigh. I miss home. I miss my family. "Hey, what's wrong?" asked Tom. "I'm homesick. I miss my family" I said, looking down. "Oh Hallie, so do I but we're near the end and when its over you'll never have to leave your family again" said Tom, rubbing my thighs.

"I know but I miss Mason, we used to see each other everyday" I said. "Oh babe, you'll see him too. I'm feeling it too, keep smiling my love. I don't like you frowning" said Tom. "Thank you, my love" I said, kissing him.

We go down and Tom has his arm around my waist. "I love you" whispered Tom, smiling. "I love you more" I whisper back. We grab two glasses and sit down. Lana and Ron walk over. "You two ok?" asked Lana. "Yeah, just homesick" I said. "Oh, wow. I was homesick this morning and had to take a moment" said Lana. I nod. "I hate feeling this way" I said. "It's going to be fine, we're nearly there" said Lana. I nod. 

Kai and Sanam walk over. "Hey guys, you ok Hallie?" asked Sanam. "Just homesick but its fine"  I said. "Aww, everyone feels it, Hallie. When you get home, you will have forever with them" said Sanam, smiling. I stand up and hug her. "Thank you, Sanam" I said, smiling. "No problem" said Sanam. I sit down beside Tom again and he leans his head on my shoulder. "So, has anyone spoken to Leo?" asked Sanam. "No" we said. Shaq and Tanya walk over.

"Leo is looking for a chat guys." said Tanya. "At the firepit" said Shaq. We nod and stand up. We walk over and sit down.

"I know I did some stupid shit but I did it because it's Love Island" said Leo. We just stay quiet. "So, I just want to say, I'm sorry. I should have thought harder and actually talked to you, Lana before I chose you. I'm sorry" said Leo. "It's fine. It's in the past" said Lana. "It takes guts to stand before us and say it, so it's all buried" said Ron. "Also Will and Jessie have news" said Leo, sitting down.

"Me and Jessie are exclusive!" said Will. We all jump screaming and hug them. "Yes!" I said, hugging Jessie. "Thank you" said Jessie, hugging me tighter.

After that it's bedtime. I go pull on Tom's top and go slide under the covers. I fall asleep with Tom holding me in his arms. 

Fights, make up and exclusivity for Will and Jessie!

Next Time on Love Island:


Home for one.

Dates for all but not all as it seems.

Hope you enjoy!

Lorna xx

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