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I walk down the vacant halls of the rosemary nursing home, heading in the direction of my Nona's assigned place. I got here early this morning, wanting to spend as much time with her as possible.

When I spoke to her assigned nurse, Kaitlin, yesterday while I was on the way home, she informed me that Nona was refusing to take her medication. My nona could be a stubborn one, something that I inherited from her. She was an old soul, always reminiscing about the obstacles she went through as a child.

Atlanta was never the friendliest to African Americans, this was true. And my Nona was there to witness everything that had happened. I knew there were scars on her heart; some of those scars could not be healed.

Nona once told me about her husband, Atticus. He was murdered; hanged in front of their house and set on fire. These were the scars, the painful memories, that I wish I could wipe away from her memory. And it killed mr inside that I couldn't do anything to ease her pain.

Once I reach her room, I knock twice and open the door. I poke my head in, seeing that she was still asleep. I smile, walking in and closing the door softly. I look over at the worn down flowers, deciding to replace them and pour out the water that was beginning to turn a different color.

I wash out the glass vase, then grabbed the new bouquet of flowers and sat them inside before filling the vase with water. I hear shuffling behind me, then a soft mumble.

I turn around, smiling. " Good morning, Nona."

Her gray locs were hidden underneath her black bonnet, which I gave to her the last time I visited. She squinted, moving to shield the sun away from her eyes. " Who's that?"

I giggled, grabbing the vase and sitting down at the side of her bed. " It's me, Nona. I'm Haile,"

She frowned, trying to sit up. " Who is haile?"

I point to my chest, " I am Haile, I'm your granddaughter."

Nona hummed, leaning her head back against the pillows. " Mmm... you look young, how old are you?"

I chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed and grabbing her frail hands. I massage her skin softly, " I'm twenty three, I'll be twenty four on my birthday."

" How old am I?"

I tuck one of her locs back inside her bonnet, " You are ninety one, Nona."

" Where are your parents, suga'? Did they come with you?" She asked, curiousity filled in her brown eyes. Her beauty mark was identical to mine, just above our left eyebrow.

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