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" Sooo... you gon tell me what happened between y'all yesterday?" Moriah questions, handing me a plate of breakfast as she sits beside me on the couch.

After the conversation me and nino had yesterday, I felt like I didn't have weight on my shoulders or on my chest anymore. I could finally breathe again.

Smiling at the thought, I look down at my plate. I mix my bacon inside of my grits before taking a bite. I cover my mouth as I spoke, " We're okay now,"

Moriah hums, patting at her bonnet. " Mm, about damn time. What else happened?"

I whistled lowly, criss crossing my legs onto the sofa. " Well.. he told me that he liked me but-"

" Woohooo!" She yells, doing a victory dance.

I giggled, my face heating up. " and I told him that I liked him too."

" Awww, y'all so cute." She cooes, sitting her plate down on the table. She sighs, laying back with an exhausted expression on her face. Her plate was still loaded with eggs, bacon, and grits.

I scrunch up my nose, turning my head curiously as I point my fork to her plate. " Aren't you going to eat?"

Moriah waves me off, " I ate a lil bit but I'm not really feelin it."

I eye her suspiciously, looking at her frame up and down. " Are you feeling nauseous?"

She nods, " A little, and you know how I usually like bacon? I can't stand that shit right na."

I scrunch up my nose, slowly sitting my food down beside her. " Then why did you put it on your plate?"

Moriah scratched the back of her neck. "Ion know, I thought that if I forced myself to eat it i would be okay."

I frowned. " How long have you been feeling like this, Riah?"

I had an idea of why she was feeling nauseated, but my suspicions could be wrong. Maybe she came down with a flu? Or maybe it was the weather change that made her get sick? It's not uncommon to get sick when coming back from vacation.

She shrugged, " Honestly, I don't even know. I just know that I'm always tired, I always have to pee- hell I'm craving sum starbursts, slim jims, and two Italian subs from Idalia's."

I bit the inside of my cheek, exhaling softly. " Moriah?"

She turns to me, eyes filled with curiosity. " Hm?"

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