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" I can't believe we back already," Moriah whistled, dragging her luggage as I did the same and grabbed shilo's carry on.

" Yeah, me either." I mumble, my mind somewhere else. The week in Miami had gone by in the blink of an eye, and somehow we were on the road for the next nine hours to get back home.

Moriah insisted that she didn't want to be alone, so she decided that I would be staying at her place for the weekend before she drops me off home.

But all I could think about was him. The entire nine hours, I went over our last conversation at least one hundred times. Maybe I was too harsh? Maybe I wasn't harsh enough? Maybe I should've just left it alone?

I sighed, sitting Shilo down onto the floor. I unzip his bag and let him walk around. I slip off my sandals, tucking a loc behind my ear as I sat down on her large L shaped couch.

I wipe away the sleepiness, the exhaustion weighing down onto my shoulders. I had spent most of my last days in Miami crying all night in secret, whenever Moriah was in the shower or just sound asleep. I felt guilty for standing up for myself, and that should never be the case. I guess my guilt stems from the fact that I like him, and It's such a confusing feeling that I've never felt.

When you're in the ' im single but we're together" situation, it's hard to find someone who is genuine about their intentions. Someone who wants more than just sex.

I place my head in my hands, exhaling. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Why can't it be simple?

Why can't I tell him the truth? why cant I accept the fact that I was hurt and jealous that he had sex with someone else? I could just laugh at how ridiculous I sound. I know he doesn't feel the same way. It's impossible.

" What's wrong?"

I remove my hands from my face, smiling tirelessly at Moriah. " I'm fine, just a little tired."

Moriah squints, " You not lyin are you?"

I shook my head, laying back against her pillows. " No, Riah. I'm not lying."

She sighs, grabbing her phone from her pocket. " Okay, well just take a nap for right now and I'll wake you up when the food comes."

" Okay," I yawned, curling myself into a ball. Shilo climbs onto the couch, curling into my side as he purrs.

" I'm gon step outside and call the place."

" Mm'okay," I slurred, my eyes already beginning to shut.

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