1. A Job

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"You're fired Ms. Lopez" My boss says.

"Wai-What?! I didn't do anything  wrong" I'm panicking.

"Yes you did. You broke Mr. & Mrs. Collins glass vase 2 days ago"

"No, I didn't. It was their kids. " I defend myself.

"You're unprofessional, Ms. Lopez. I have to let you go" he says firmly.

"But it wasn't me, it was their kids"

"Nevertheless, I have to let you go. It's Mr. Collins's request" Mr. Cooper says.

"I'm sorry Mr. Cooper, please excuse me. " I say and run to my desk. I pack up all my stuff then heading home.

I live with my best friend, Leah in Brooklyn. Our apartment isn't really big but it's enough for 2 people, we have our own bedroom. I can't believe I was slandered and then I lost my job. Ugh, I don't know what kind of job I haven't try yet. I'm start finding a job and then Leah's home.

"Hey bitch, what are you doing? How's your day?" She says and hugs me.

"I've been fired" I say, still in her arms. "My boss said that I broke our client's glass vase, but it wasn't true. Their kids did that" I say and let go of her hugs.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. But don't worry, I have... This" she says and shows me a name card.

"What's this?" I say as I grab it. "Ben Affleck, Central Park Tower West 57th Street? He must be hella rich. Maybe I'd be his maid or kid's nanny" I assume.

"I don't know, my friend gave me, she said that he gave it, so I don't know what kind of job is that" Leah says, not sure.

"I'll try tomorrow, thank you" I say and hug her

"C'mon let's go out, I think you need to refresh"

We go to Central Park for jogging. This afternoon is pretty cool. Here's a lot of couple, they're so romantic. It makes me sad. I've never been in a relationship before, because I'm not ready for a relationship. My parents are divorce, love is bullshit. But, I want it though.

"Oh shit, look at those couples" Leah mumbles.

"I think I need a husband" I say.

"Yeah you should, well at least a boyfriend. You're a 24yo virgin girl"

"Yeah but who?" I say sadly.

"Him" she says and points at... "Wa-wait, is that that Ben Affleck? Shit he's so hot" she continues

"I think it's him" I say as I looking his name card. "But how bout he has a wife and kids, I'm not that kind of girl"

"Just try it, go on" she forces me

"Tomorrow ok, I'll do it tomorrow"

"Ugh, fine"


"Leah I'm going now, bye" I shout from the entry door.

"Ok baby, take care" she shouts from bathroom.

Now I'm in front of the building, it's so high. I'm entering the building with 100% confident cause I wear my bestest clothes. Ralph Lauren sweater, light brown mini skirt, brown thigh high boots and a Chanel sling bag. I let my hair down and I have natural makeup on. I also bring some regular files for applying for a job.

"Is there anything I need to help ma'am?" The receptionist ask me.

"I have an appointment with Ben Affleck"

"You may want to wait because Mr. Affleck is out, ma'am" she says politely.

"How long I have to wait?"

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