11. Jealousy

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Ben's POV

Tonight when I'm cuddling with Jennifer, I got an email from my middle school friend. I invited to the middle school reunion tomorrow. I can't wait to see all of my exes and my friends, especially my gang. I was the leader of the rebel gang in my school back then. I can't wait to flex Jennifer to my exes.

"Jen, let's go buy a dress" I suddenly say.

"For what? I already brought my dresses" She says as she lookin at her phone.

"We'll buy the greatest dress" I say.

"Dress or lingerie?" She smirks and bite her lower lip.

"A dress, lingerie? No, you don't need that. I like you with nothing on" I say as I smirk.

"I have a lot of best dresses, I can wear what I have" She says as she look at her phone back.

"Listen, I have school reunion tomorrow and you have to steal everyone's attention. I wanna make my exes jealous" I say as I caressing her hair and pout.

"Oh boy, you're such a playboy, aren't you?" She says as she cups my cheek and poke it softly.

"I don't want them to think that I'm a loser, my exes are already married" I say sadly.

"Oh my God, I forgot that you're 29" She says and laugh.

"What? You don't wanna be my girlfriend?" I say. It has double meaning actually.

"I would love to" She says. I wish it has double meaning though.

"C'mon, the event is on a yacht. Let's buy a dress and bikini" I say and I get up.

We're shopping on every branded clothing and she ended up choosing the Guess red floral dress. And white bikini. When we get home, she tries it. Red matches her so right. She looks so gorgeous, and the bikini.. oh my God I'm speechless, she's so sexy as fuck.

She leans closer and rub my chest. Shit! She gives me boner,

"we were just buy that bikini, I don't want to rip it" I say. She gets wilder than the first time, I think she used to it. She lays on the bed then takes off her bikini top.

I lean closer and cup her cheeks, "tomorrow when we get home darling" I say then kiss her.

"But tomorrow is your school reunion" She pouts.

"The event is at 9am until 12pm. Our flight is at 2pm and we get home around 4. Then I'll bang you good" I say as I caressing her cheek then she smiles. She goes to bathroom, she keeps teasing me. I really wanna slap her ass.

At night after dinner, my parents and I having a deep talk on the backyard while Jennifer's in my room. We talk about marriage. They asked me why I didn't propose her yet.

"We just met 3 months ago"

"You're 29, go find a wife and get married" My dad says.

"Yeah, I need another grandchildren" My mom says.

"But you already have Dianne and Isa" I sigh.

"Are you consider her as your bride-to-be or just your slave thing?" My dad asks seriously.

"I love her but I'm afraid to ask her, I want her to be my wife. But I'm not ready for marriage" I say hopelessly.

"Go ask her if you want, but if you hesitant, leave her and go find another one" My father says.

"I don't know, it's complicated. I don't wanna leave her, I truly love her" I say and look down.

"It's ok, ask her if you ready" My mom says as she rubs my back.

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