8. Extreme Sport

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Jen's POV

It's been a week since we're in Italy. And we haven't sex. After filming, he's always went to sleep.

"I'm sorry Jen, we can't have sex now. I'm so tired, I need to sleep" He apologizes again.

"It's ok, you're my master" I say, but honestly I'm so sad.

"Nah, I'm still sorry. Let's sleep, tommorow I'll go on the set at 11" He says.

I wake up early and look at the clock. It's seven in the morning. I let go of his hug and make him lay on his back. I have to wake him up because he works so hard. I take off his pants and his boxer. His friend's already standing straight and hard. I gulp hard and it's time to impress him. I grab it and move up and down. I lick it like an ice cream then I put it in my mouth. I'm playing with his cock until he wakes up. He opens his eyes then closes it again and groaning. I move my hand faster and lick it more then he pulls me up.

I'm on top of him and he asks, "What did you do Miss Lopez? Did you tryna get my seeds?"

"I'm tryna wake you up to relax Mr. Affleck" I say seductively.

He suddenly flips me and kisses me. We're making out and then he kisses my neck, then to my breast. When he's down to my pussy, I pull him up and say "I want to ride" and I smirk. I flip him and kiss him. I move my hips in circle on his thick bulge to tease him. I let out a little moan between our kisses. "Oh you're such an expertease" He groans. I keep moving my hips then he smacks my ass and it makes me hornier. I keep riding on his bulge and sighing. We're horny as fuck right now.

I remove hir boxer and he get inside me. I'm riding fast and hard as he thrusts me from below. "Uhh, yeah fuckk tha— that's good. Oohhh" I moan. He thrusts faster as I riding. I'm moaning mess right now, he's just so good. "Yeah that's right, ohh yess Ben" He's hitting my g-spot. "Ohh, Jen stop now. I'mma cum" He groans. "I can't, I can't I'm so, so close. Uuhhhh" I say and then I'm cumming. He cums right outside of my pussy.

"That was close, phew" He says as he smiles.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it" I say breathlessly.

"It's ok, haha you were so wild. That was the wildest of you so far" He says in disbelief.

"Let's eat, I'm hungry" I say then I stand up and... "Oops!" I'm falling again.

"Your legs are useless again haha. Come on, I'll carry you" He says then carries me. I'm so happy when he carries me.

"Bathroom please?" I ask.

"I know, it's your habit. Taking a bath after sex and then eat" He says as he carries me.

"Not really. I also sleep after having sex" I say as I carried.

"It was when we have sex at night" He says as he puts me on the tub.

"Yeaaahh.. what we're gonna eat" I ask as I playing with the pouring water.

"I'll buy a pizza down there" He says as he turn on the shower.

Few minutes later, he's done showering then get clothes.

"Are you done or you're just wanna stay there?" He asks before he leaves me.

"I'm fine here, just need to relax" I say.

"Ok, bye" He says and pecks me then leaves. 

When he comes back, he carries me and helps me get dress. While eat, we talk about his work. I really wanna ask him about his feeling towards me. Because he's so sweet even though he's mad at me. In the middle of our conversation, his phone's ringing.

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