10. Sweetness

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Jen's POV

I wake up with Ben's voice in the bathroom. I'm about to lock the bedroom's door, but it's already locked.

I lean on bathroom's door and say "Sounds like someone having a little concert here."

"Oh hey, did I wake you up?" He says and I come closer.

"No it's ok" I say then I take off my clothes and join him.

I tease him with water flowing all over my body as I close my eyes. I open my eyes then pour a soap on my bare breasts and give him a seductive stare as I rub my boobs. Now, he's hard down there. I smile and bite my bottom lip, then he suddenly kiss me torridly. I know he can't refuse me. I can feel his bulge on my belly. I grab it and start moving my hand. He groans between our kisses and I just smile.

He pins me against the wall. He grabs my breasts as we kissing. He carries me and gently leans me on the sink as we still kissing delicately. He pulls away and caresses my hair, he puts my hair behind the ear and cups my cheek then he kisses me softly.

"See? My family likes you" He says as he caressing my cheek.

"Yeah, but I was so awkward" I say shyly.

"It's ok, you're gonna get used to it. Let's go out" He says.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You're hanging me" I pout.

"We have no time baby, we're going to dinner with my family. After dinner, I'll bang you" He says and smirks.

"Kiss me baby one more time" I sing and he kiss me.

"Aight, let's finish our thing, they're probably waiting" He says then kiss me one more time.

After shower, I put my sky blue dress and done my hair bun. He wears a light blue shirt and white pants, he wants to matching our outfit. We come out and their faces are like look at us suspiciously. "What?" Ben asks to them. "Nothing, okay come on guys" Casey says.

Ben and I are in different cars from Ben's family. Throughout the drive, I remain rather silent, engrossed in gazing out of the window. Upon reaching the restaurant, he opens my door. While at the restaurant, we engage in conversation about various topics, including why Ben and I fell in love with each other.

"I fell in love with her because she's so innocent and adorable. She can cook too and all of her food is sooo delicious" He says proudly. "Her giggles makes me fell harder" He smiles and looks at me.

"Aww, that's so sweet" His mom says. "How bout you honey?" She asks me.

"I love him because he's so sweet and he's such a gentleman. He's sweet and caring. I'm glad that he took my virginity" I say then look at him and smile. I'm really glad.

"Jeez, you have to marry her" Tim says.

"You're such a lucky motherfucker" Casey says then Tim and Chris glaring at him.

"What is motherfucker daddy?" Dianne asks innocently.

"I don't know, I'm just saying" Casey says.

"You're motherfucker too Dad, if Uncle Ben is motherfucker, you are motherfucker too. You guys are the same" Dianne says innocently.

"Dianne, stop it. Open your mouth" Summer says as she feeds Dianne.

"She knows" Ben smirks.


After dinner, Ben and I are watching a movie. We're watching "Redeeming Love", he chooses it. We watch it on the living room. When the movie starts, Casey and Summer comes out from their room and joins us. "Where's Dianne?" Ben asks. "She's asleep, they're asleep" Casey says. In the middle of the movie, Tim comes out and joins us. The movie's so touching.

It's about a guy fall in love with a prostitute. It's kinda like my story but he's safe her from the industry but Ben is my master. But I wanted this job, he refused me but I wanted this job. Ugh whatever.

Ben and I are in our room about to sleep but then I remember his promise before dinner. He said he's gonna bang me.

Ben's POV

I close my eyes and suddenly Jennifer rubs my chest softly. I open my eyes and look at her. She bites her lip, oh don't bite your lip like that Jennifer. I know what she means, I left her hanging before.

"Looks like my little Jenny getting so horny" I tease her.

"Ooh, come on Ben. You left me hanging" She pouts and give me her back.

"I will bang you if you can hold your moan" I say as I rub her arm.

"But I can't, you know you'll fuck me good" She says as she facing me.

"So wait until Friday honey, I promise I'll bang you good when we get home" I say as I stroke her hair.

"Two more days?" She asks annoyedly.

"Yeah, you have to be patient" I say. "Now come here, I'll hug you" so she does.

She's already asleep while I'm thinking about her feelings. Is she really glad that I took her virginity? Or she said that to looks like we're a couple? It's confusing. I really notice that we look like a real couple. Sometimes, I unconsciously treat her like she's my wife and she didn't complain, she acts like my wife though. She looks so comfortable when she near me, everybody said that.

I caressing her hair, it makes me calm sometimes. I'm so clingy with her because she has the best scent I've ever smell. This is 10.37pm and I can't sleep so I call Matt.

"Hey dude" I say when the phone connected.

"Yo what's up?" He says thru the phone.

"You know I'm in Boston right?"

"Yeaah.. but I'm in Cali right now" He says.

"Yeah I know but that's not what I mean" I say as I walk to the backyard. "You know Jennifer, right?" I say nervously.

"Yess, your new slave and your little Jenny" He's mocking me at the little Jenny part.

"I think.. I think I love her" I say hesitantly.

"The fuck, are you for real? Dude, you were never fall in love and now you fall in love with your slave? What?!" He says in shock.

"I know I know. I've never feel this way before. What do you think?" I ask.

"Bruh, oh my dear God. She's a slave, Ben. She's been fucked by many people you know" He says, I know he worries about me.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I'm the one who took her virginity" I say proudly.

"Are you fucking kidding mee? So you're her first?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, and she's so innocent. She's the cutest y'know" I say proudly.

"Bruh, you did her dirty" He says.

"Should I confess to her?"

"Nah, it's just lust. She is fuckable, every guy would like to fuck her. It's just lust" He says.

"Maybe, but I've never felt like this before" I say confusedly.

"We'll see" He says.

Hi, this is Zoey
I'm sorry for not updating in a week
I forgot to update •ᴗ•
Hope y'all like it ♡♡♡
See you next Thursday

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