18. Fast Mover

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Jen's POV

Since we were dating, nothing actually change. He treats me like his wife as usual. But lately, he rarely spend time with me. I know he has to work but I really wanna spend more time with him. Maybe I should be an actress, so I can spent all the time with him.

"Welcome home baby" I greet him as soon as he walks inside.

"Hey babe what's up?" He ask then kiss my forehead.

"Y'know we rarely spend time together right? Cause you're busy as hell" I say as we walk together to our room.

"Yeah why?" He asks as he put his bag on the couch.

"Do you wanna spend more time with me?" I ask and smile.

"Of course I do, why are you asking me that?" He asks and a bit laugh.

"Maybe you can give me an acting lesson so I can be an actress then we work together" I say and raise my eyebrow.

"Oh no no no, no way you can be an actress" He says then walks to bathroom.

"Why? It's the way we can spend time together" I ask annoyedly as I follow him.

"I don't want to see you kiss another guy" He says as he cups my cheek.

"Aww so cute, so how can we spend time together?" I'm blushing right now.

"We're going to Hawaii next Tuesday for a week, I have something special" He says then he changes his clothes.

"Wait, what?! Tomorrow?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah" He says then go to bed.

"Are you serious? Oh my god, why you always have a surprise for me?" I ask as I smile like a fool.

"I like to surprising you" He says then he closes his eyes.

"Thank you so much" I say then hug him real tight.

"Jen-Jennifer I can't breath" He says breathlessly then i let go of him.

"By the way I made an apple pie for dinner, wanna eat?" I ask with my puppy eyes.

"Great!" He says then he gets up.

I really love when he excited to eat the foods I made. It makes me feel something, especially when he washes all of the dishes. He always like that even though we weren't dating.  So that's why nothing's really change even though now we're dating.

He sits on his desk then I sit on his lap, I sit facing the MacBook. I miss him you know, I miss his presence. He hugs me then continue his work and I'm just watching the laptop.

"Am I bothering you?" I ask as I look at him.

"No you're not, you better here" He says then I smile and kiss his head.

We're staying like that for a long time just enjoying each other's presence. Until 9pm, he asks me to sleep.

When I wake up, I find that everything was packed. Then Ben comes out from the walk-in closet with summer clothes plus the cap. I smile then he walks closer and kiss my forehead.

"Come on baby, we just have three more hours to get on the plane" He says then kiss me.

"Did you packed all of these stuffs?" I ask in disbelief.

"Mhm, I woke up at six and you were sleep peacefully so I didn't wake you up. Then I remembered that we aren't packing yet so I did it" He says then smile and kiss my cheek. I can't help but smiling like a fool.

I take a shower as soon as possible then I go out and find out that our suitcases are gone with Ben. When I do my makeup, Ben comes in and say that everything is ready, except me. So he just sits on the bed and watching me doing my makeup.

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