Should I?

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Hey y'all
This is Zoey

I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has read this story. Actually, the final chapter of this story is the part where Ben and Jen get married, but I didn't have time to write it, so the last chapter is where they get engaged.

The story has been complete with all chapters since October last year, except for the last chapter (19). I'm also considering creating a sequel to this story titled 'Wife 4 U,' but I haven't made any plans yet.

You know, in the past few months, I've been very busy with my school assignments, so I rarely have time to write.

I'd like to ask, do you want to read the continuation of this story or another fanfic with a different title?

Because I have several Bennifer fanfic titles in mind, but I haven't written them yet.

I really need your opinions.

Thank you...

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