7. Girlfriend?

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Jen's POV

It's been 2 months since I'm being his sex slave. It's fun, my work is fun I think. He's not that hard like that Charlotte said. And I really feel like I'm his wife, because he's taking care of me so much. We're not having sex every day, he's not crazy.

This morning he wanted a sandwich, so I made it. He works early today, he says he and his team has an emergency meeting. I happy to be here, he treats me like a human. Sometimes I call Leah to come over.

Few hours later, He comes back and says "We're going to Italy".

"You? How long?" I say softly.

"No, us, we're going to Venice. We'll be there for 2 weeks to filming my new movie" He says happily.

"Us? Oh my God what a dream come true, I always wanna go there" I say excitedly.

"I know, I know. Let's pack our things, but you don't have to bring all of your clothes. I'mma buy you a lot of clothes" He says as he packs his stuff.

"Oh you don't have to" I say.

"Yeah, but I want it"

After packing, we're going to airport. Few minutes later, his team arrives and Ben introduced me to them as his girlfriend. They're all good and chill. Ben and I are in the first class seats. Ben's always teasing me, as usual. We order different menu, so we can try each other's foods. I ordered pasta and he ordered some breads. He feeds me and I feed him, "how sweet they are" the director says. My cheeks are burning red and he pinches it. "They're never seen me with a girl before" He says softly, I'm just smile. After eating, I'm fall asleep.


I wake up on a comfy bed and I hear Ben's talking on the balcony. I get up and come over. He's done calling and hugs me.

"Hey, how's your sleep? You slept deeply" He says softly.

"Good. Anyway, I'm sorry I can't woke. I'm hassled you. But how can you get me here?"

"I carried you, so I could still bring the suitcases. It's ok, you're not heavy at all" He says softly. I can't help but blushing. Why can't he just be my husband, he's just so sweet. "Anyway, you wanna eat?" He asks.

"Yea, but I'm not feeling well today" I pout.

"Did you feel nauseous?" He asks worriedly.

"Kind of" I say.

"Are you pregnant?" He asks innocently.

"No, I'm not" I deny it.

"Let's go to the doctor first" He says worriedly.

"No, I'm ok. Maybe it's because the pasta" I refuse him.

"How bout you really pregnant. We have to know this and that for a preggie woman, you have to eat healthy, you can't get tired, you can't-" I put my finger on his mouth so he can shut up.

"Ben, come on. I'm not your wife nor your girlfriend. I'm ok, don't worry" I say softly as I caressing his cheek.

"Okay, if that's what you want. But you're gonna eat healthy okay? I'mma buy some medicine after we eat" He says and look down. Why's he acts like my husband. I like it when he acts like this but I'm afraid to fall in love.

Ben's POV

I'm kinda sad when Jennifer said I'm not her husband. Did she effects me? Huh, I it can't be. She's right tho, I'm not her husband. But she's cute and wifeable. Her innocence is adorable. She's very different from my previous sex slaves. She took the initiative to make me breakfast and dinner, she's also very silly. I love her giggles, that's why I always tried my best to make her giggles. Why can't she be my wife? Maybe she has a different feeling. Whoa, wait, do I like her? Am I falling love with my sex slave? It's ridiculous.

Jen's POV

We're here, eating with his team. Now he's being protective and so caring. I'm really scared about my nauseous, I don't want to get pregnant. He was never use condom when we have sex. Oh crap, it can't be.

"Ben, I think I really need to go to hospital" I whisper.

"See? I told you. Let's go" He whispers, "guys, we have to go.. my girlfriend's not feeling well" He says to the crew then we heading to near by hospital.


After checking this and that, finally the results out. I'm pregnant... "haha, no no Mrs. Affleck, you're not pregnant. You're just poisoned by the food you've ate. You can buy young coconut water and take this medicine once a day" The doctor says. I sigh in relief but then I look at Ben and his face is so disappointed. I'm confused by his reaction. He really acts like my husband, he even said that I'm his wife when in hospital and when we have sex, he's still so sweet and it's not like we're just fucking, it's more like making love. Ugh whatever, he paid me well and I don't have to pay for everything. My money is useless since I'm staying with him.

We're driving around the beach to find a young coconut. After found it, we drink it. When we're back in the hotel, I really wanna ask him about his feeling to me but I think it's not really important. He's my master, maybe he's just wanna taking care of his sex slave.

He takes me to dinner with all of the team plus the actors and actresses. I'm happy because Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler is the main characters. I wear a red floral dress and a pair of Louboutin white heels. When I do my make up, Ben comes in with a casual wear.

"Why aren't you change yet?" I ask as I put some foundation.

"Really? We're not going to a fine dining, little Jenny. We're gonna go to a casual dinner" He says.

"So, this is a misunderstanding?" I ask confusedly.

"Yeah, you can change now. We're still have time" He says and smiles while I'm pouting. "It's ok baby if you don't wanna change, I can do it for you" He smirks.

I poke his arm and go to change into a casual wear. "Done, but wait, I need to do my makeup".

"No need that, you're already gorgeous" He compliments me, for a multiple times.

"But, how bout the girls more gorgeous than me" I say and pout.

"Nah, you can really beat 'em without any makeup. C'mon, we don't wanna late tho" He says then grab the car's key.

Ben's POV

See? She's so cute when she pouts. Sometimes she acts like a little girl and it's adorable. We arrived at the restaurant and we sit across Adam and his wife, Jennifer isn't here yet, she said she had a little trouble. Jennifer and Adam's wife are talking then the other Jennifer comes. Since Aniston coming, this two Jennifer is talking like world is theirs. My little Jenny didn't even talk to me.

Seeing her happy makes me happy too. The fuck, do I really like her? But, she's likeable tho. Ugh, come on. I don't wanna fall in love.

So, how is it going so far?
I need suggestions from you, if there are parts that are not good, you can write them in the comments section.

I really welcome input and suggestions from you. ♡
And also, sorry for the bad English.

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