16. Old Friend

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Jen's POV

Today it's his birthday! I wake up early then go to kitchen to make a birthday cake. This is 5am, so he's probably still sleeping cause usually he wakes up at nine. I make the batter then bake it. I like to make a cake, I've been work on bakery before. I also cook Pastelón. After all of the food cooked very well, I start decorating the cake.

I decorate the cake like a little boy cake. With blue color and cars. I also change the number, it supposed to be 30 but I put 03. When I put the last finishing, suddenly Ben hugs me from behind and starts kissing my cheek.

"Beeenn, stop it hahaha... It's ticklish.." I giggle.

He lets go of me then he tries the whip cream. "Oh my God, I can get diabetes if I eat this" He says.

"Oh my God, is it too sweet?" I say then I taste it, "it's perfect, it is not too much"

"Yeah, but my view is sweeter than this whipped cream" He says as he  pinch my cheek.

I can't help but smiling like a fool. "Let me take a picture" He says then I move a bit to give him some space to take a picture of his cake, "hold that cake, I wanna take your picture and that cake" He says. I take the cake and give him a big smile. He takes some pictures then put his phone on the table and lit the candle. He makes a wish then blow the candle.

"What's your wishes?" I ask curiously.

"It's a surprise, but you'll know someday" He says then he takes a first slice and gives it to me. Oh my God, I feel so special even though I know that I'm the only person who's with him right now. "Anyway, we're going to Boston this noon at 11am" He continues.

"What?! Why are you tell me so sudden? I haven't prepare yet" I'm panicking.

"It's ok, I can help you. Let's go" He says as he walks away.

"How bout the cake? I made it for you" I say as I pout.

"We'll bring it there, I wanna tell 'em how good your cake is, c'mon" He says then I follow him.

This is 9am and now it's Monday, I'm packing and he also helps me. Everything is pretty chaos because we're in a rush. We're ready to go is at 10am, he drives the car as fast as he can and then we're stuck on traffic. Oh crap. Thank god we've arrived at jfk airport at 10.37am.

"Phew, finally" He says as he leans back.


Upon arrival in Boston, we greeted by Casey and Dianne. She immediately jump on me. When we're inside the car, I show her the cake I made. She eats it happily.

"This is sooo good, I can't wait for my birthday" She says excitedly,

"Can you make a cake for me?" She asks.

"Of course, when's your birthday?" I ask. 

"May 31st" She says and smile.

"Of course I can"


When we get home, we're greeted warmly by his family. His cousins is here, his aunts, his uncles, and his high school friends. But surprisingly, when everyone's talking to me and Ben, the unexpected arrival shows up. A girl who looks such a sweetheart shows up and immediately hugs Ben's parents. They're looks so close. Then that girl comes to us. The room's suddenly silent, only murmurs from his aunts. She gives a hug to Ben then look at me in disgusting way.

"This is Jennifer, my girlfriend" Ben introduced me and I smile.

"Huh, looks like you can't move on. Anyway, I'm Jennifer, his ex-fiance" She says.

Oh Gooooodd this is so awkward.

"Maybe you can have more respect for her, let's go" Ben whispers then drags me away from her.

We go inside our room. He explains his past relationship with that Jennifer. He says that it was beautiful. People said that they're the cutest couple. They dated for 3years. He called out their wedding because she was cheating with Bradley, the guy on the yacht. But she's obsessed with Ben. So that's why he move to New York.

"So she still wants to get you back?" I ask curiously.

"Kind of, but I don't want her anymore" He says and smiles.

After that conversation, I feel tired. We go outside then eat something in the kitchen. When we're eating, one of his aunts comes and say that the cake is delicious.

"You better marry her sooner" She says then leaves.

After eating, we talking on the backyard with his cousins. They talk about his past relationship with that Jennifer, they knew it. They also talk about the slave thing. Then we talk about my past, so I tell them my whole life, my pathetic life.

"Oh I'm sorry, we shouldn't ask you that"

"It's ok, I'm ok with it" I say then the girls hugs me.

I'm going to Ben's room to sleep while everyone's still talking. I'm too tired. I'm so upset when I saw Jennifer's face, so I just sleep to relaxing my mind. But I can't actually sleep. I can hear that the party is start. I really wanna show up, but I don't wanna see Jennifer's face.

A few hours later when I'm just laying down the bed, Ben suddenly comes in and walks to me so I pretend to be sleep. He rubs my shoulder then kiss my forehead. I actually surprised by his act. He shows me an act of affection. I try my best to not smiling until he's going out. When I hear the door is closed, I start smiling like a fool, I can't believe he did that. I roll my body on the bed. Oh my god, now I messing up the bed. I clean the mess the grab my gift on my suitcase. My gift isn't luxury, my gift is a snowball with a dog inside of it. It's a mini snowball, so he can bring it everywhere.

I open the door and look around. There's no one, the sound of crowd is in the backyard, I go to the backyard but I see no Ben. His cousin says that he's just going out for buying some snacks. So I comeback in his room. When I hear a his car parked, I immediately go down stairs with my gift.

When I'm about to open the door, I see Ben kisses Jennifer. I can't see this. This is hurt. I drop off my gift then go to side door and thankfully, he's already inside. I go out and order an Uber.

Ben's POV

I hop off from my car then suddenly Jennifer comes to me and kiss me. I'm happy if she is Jennifer fckin Lopez, but she's Garner. I pull her and she's lookin so surprised.

"What the fuck are you thinking Jen?" I'm so pissed.

"Why? We used to do this right?" She asks innocently.

"It's back then, I don't love you anymore. We're done. I have a girlfriend, I'm gonna propose her. She's going to be my wife" I say then I leave her.

I go inside then I slipped by a little green box with a pink bow. I open it then I see a beautiful snowball. And there's a tiny letter. It says "Happy birthday big baby". Oh crap! I know this is Jennifer's. She saw Jen kiss me. Shit!!

I run to our room and I find no Jennifer. Fuck, but I little bit relief when her phone is still there. I go to backyard and ask them about Jennifer. But no one's know. I'm panicking right now. Everyone helps me find her but she's not here.

My mom asks me what happened so I tell her about the accident when Jennifer kissed me. Then everyone looks pissed.

Hi guys, this is Zoey
I'm gonna say thank you to all of you cause you've read this fanfic


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