2. Medical Check-up

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I got a text from Ben that I have to packing all of my things because I'm gonna moving with him today. Thankfully I don't have much clothes so I don't have to bring much suitcases. After preparing my stuff, I'm asking Leah about how to react when having sex.

"K so first of, you have to know how to moaning, start now" She says.

"I don't even know, I said I don't know how to react. I don't know what to do" I say clueless.

"Let's watch some porn videos" She says as she opens her laptop.

"Are you crazy, I'm not watching that, that's not my thing" I refuse.

"So you want to learn or not?" She gives me a serious look.

"Ok let's watch it"

After few minutes of watching porn videos, she teaches me again. She moans then I moan. "Yass girl, you can do it. You sound so sexy as fuck" she says. Then she teaches me how to controlling my face, so I won't look ugly and ridiculous when having sex. The whole day we spend for a sex lesson.

My alarm rings so I go to the shower. After shower I got text from Ben, he says I go to the hospital by myself then I'm going home with him. He's not that hard actually. Leah drives me to the hospital then I'm entering the building.

A nurse comes to me as I'
entering the building. She says Ben's waiting in the other room. I do the premarital health screening to know that I'm completely healthy and have no communicable diseases. While waiting, he says we're going dinner after this because he's hungry. After few minutes I get text from Leah.

Hi Jen, how you doin?

Still nervous, I've never do this premarital health check-up

What?! Premarital check-up? Are you guys getting married?

Noo... He said that he wants me to completely healthy

He seems so caring, huh

Kinda. Y'know when I was reading a book about sex slave, the boss looks so possessive and dominant. But this Ben seems very friendly. But I don't know, I just met him yesterday

Hopefully he's a sweet person, so you aren't get stress

Yeaah, oh I'm off, the results out

The doctor come to us and says I'm completely healthy. "and still virgin, she's fine" he says and smile. Oh crap!! Ben is glaring at me then he smiles at the doctor. Ben grabs my wrist tightly and drag me to his car. Oh oh, is he gonna kill me? Crap. He opens the door for me then he hops in the car. Even when he's mad, he still opens the door for me.

"Why are you lying?"

"I'm sorry Sir"

"I'm asking, why are you lying about your virginity?" He asks firmly.

"I-I was feel embarrassing" I say as I lookin' down.

"I've never had a virgin slave before"

"Oh Sir, don't fire me, please. It's fine, I'm ok, I didn't forced to do this" I beg him.

"Ugh, I don't know. Let's just pick your stuff. Where's your address" He says and I tell him. I can tell from his eyes, he's frustrated.

He parks the car then come with me to pick my stuff. He pick my suitcases so I don't have anything to carry. He doesn't let me carry them. I don't understand why is he so caring even though I disappointing him.

When we're at his condo, he puts all of my suitcases in the primary bedroom's woman side of walk-in closet. I feel like I'm gonna be his wife actually. But the whole moment, he didn't talk to me.

"Thank you" I say and walk towards him.

"You're welcome" He says flatly.

"I'm sorry. It's ok, you can fuck me now if you want" I say as I rub his chest.

"Maybe you're ready but I'm not, I'll call you if I need you" He says then he walks to his office. "You can do anything you want" He shouts from his office.

I decide to cook carne guisada, it's a Puerto Rican food and I love it. I'm going to kitchen and looking for the ingredients. It's great he have all of the ingredients for the soup, but he don't have the beef. Ok, I'mma buy the beef. It's my sorry though. I grab my coat then come to his office.

"Sir, can I go out?" I ask.

"Yes you can, bring the credit card in the drawer beside bed, it's yours" Is he kidding me? I know he's still mad at me, but he's also care of everything I'll do and even give me a credit card. I'm really his wife, technically. Duh..

When I'm out from the building, a stranger comes to me from the middle of nowhere. She looks bitchy but at the same time she looks wealthy.

"Hey you, are you with Mr. Affleck?" She immediately says.

"Uh.. yeah, why?" I ask confusedly.

"Are you his sex slave?" Now she whispers.

"Why are you asking me that, you're so disrespectful" I say as I walk away from her. Weird stranger.

"Hey, I didn't mean to be disrespectful to you" She says as she walks beside me. "I'm Charlotte, I was his sex slave too. I just wanna tell I hope you're ok to staying there because it was my hell" She says making me scared.

"What do you mean?" I don't get it what she's talking about.

"Y'know when I moved in with him, he was always come to my room every midnight to have sex" She says as we walks.

"Really? But he's so caring to me, he didn't let me carry my suitcase" I say in confusion.

"What?! You must be kidding me. He never did that to me even when I was sick, we were still having sex. He's crazy" She says.

"But he seems so caring to me" I say. This is confusing. "Maybe that's the other Affleck" I say as I entry a meat store.

"Maybe, I hope you're gonna be ok. Bye"

I hope that girl is wrong.

After buy a beef, I'm back to his condo. Thankfully, he's still in his office so I can cook freely. 2 hours later, the food is cooked. I prepare the table but then he comes out and see me preparing for dinner. He immediately helps me preparing the dinner.

"I was just about to take you out for dinner" He says.

"It's ok, this is my sorry" I say and smile.

"What's this by the way" He says as he pulls out a chair for me.

"Carne Guisada, it's Puerto Rican food"

"Thank you" He says as he takes a first bite. "This is so good, you're good at cook tho. I love this" He says. He's not mad anymore.

"I can always cook for you" I say as I bite my lower lip.

"I think you better be my chef but no, you're already my sex slave" He says and smirks. I gulp hard.

We eat our dinner and talking some silly random things like favorite movies and TV shows. Suddenly, he becomes nice again, what's wrong with him. Could my food makes him like this? I don't know, maybe he's bipolar.

After dinner, surprisingly he washes the dishes and say that I have to sleep.

"Where do I sleep?" I say

"In my room" He says so I obey

Few minutes later I still can't sleep, I'm just here lying on his huge bed until he comes and walk to bathroom. I'm start fantasying about having sex with him. In the middle of fantasying, he comes out with just towel around his waist. God, why's he can't just fuck me now. He's so hot.

"Like what you see, huh?" He smirks.

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