9. Hometown

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Ben's POV

"Hi son, would you mind to come here? It's my birthday, remember?" My dad says thru the phone.

"Don't worry dad, my flight is tomorrow at 9am" I say.

"Great, see you soon. Byee, we're waiting for you" He says then hangs up.

I totally forgot that now is my dad's birthday. I immediately buy two tickets for tomorrow and thank God the flight is at 10am. Phew. I tell Jennifer about it. But she doesn't wanna come because she says she'll hassled me. But I want to tell my family that I have a girlfriend.

"You have to come with me" I say.

"No, I'm not" She says as she playing with her phone.

I grab her phone and turn it off then say, "Come on, my family would like you".

"Ugh I don't know Ben, it makes me sad when someone have a complete family and they're all good" She says as she put her head back on the couch.

"You don't have family?" I ask softly.

"Yes I don't, my parents were died when I was eight and I lived with my grandma until sixteen then she died. After I graduated from high school, I looked for a job and I was a cashier at 7eleven. There, I met Leah and we became a best friend then we live together" She says as she close her eyes.

"Ooh, c'mere you" I say then hug her. "It's ok, I'm here. You have me, my family will be yours too" I say as I caressing her hair.

She sniffs and hugs me tighter. "it's ok, just cry" I say. After a while she stops crying, but still hugs me. I move her away and.. she's asleep. How can she looked vulnerable and now she looks adorable. I admit that she looks adorable when asleep. After put her on the bed, I'm packing her clothes and mine.

Jen's POV

I wake up with Ben's arms around me, I look at the clock, shit now it's seven o'clock. "Ben, hey wake up. We're late" I say as I throw a pillow at him. He suddenly wakes up with that ridiculous face. "You said that we're going to Boston" I say and his eyes immediately wide open then we rush to the shower. We heading to airport at 7.45, "thank God there's no traffic" I say as I look at the maps.

Upon arrival in Boston, we're greeted warmly by his family including Dianne.

"Aunt Jennifer" She yells and runs to my arms.

"Hey, how are you" I ask her.

"Great, I've told them how nice you are" She says as I carry her and walking to his parents.

"Guys, this is my-" Ben says but his mother interrupts him.

"Girlfriend, I know. Dianne told us" She interrupts then hugs me. "How are you honey?" His mom asks me.

"I'm good" I say and smile.

"Ben's never told us about you" His brother says.

"Hi, I'm Chris but you can call me mom" His mom says.

"Look at you beautiful lady, my son picked the right one" His dad comes closer and hugs me. "I'm Timothy, you can call me dad, or Tim" He says and smiles.


"So, Jennifer, how's your life before you met Benji?" Chris asks.

"Terrible, thank God I have a bestest best friend" I say.

"Tell us about your job" Tim asks.

"Dad, that's disrespectful" Ben whispers to him.

"It's ok. That's an average question for son's girlfriend" I say and smile. I'm really ok with that question.

"She knows, but you really ok?" Tim asks.

"Yeah, I was a waiter in a coffee shop" I say as I playing with my ice cream.

"Yeaah, and there's where we met" Ben says nervously. "I went to that coffee shop, then she came to give my coffee. I was always come there to meet her" He says flawlessly.

"Yeah, he was always flirting with me. Then we became close and he asked me for dinner" I'm lying. Me and Ben are lying.

"Aww, that's cute. Are you still there?" Chris asks me.

"No, she lives with me. Stay at home girlfriend. I don't want other boys flirts with her" Ben says the he sip his wine.

"So he didn't let you work? I've never seen him like this before" Casey says.

"You better be marry her sooner" His mom says.

We talk about some random things about our memorable experiences. They're good to me. I really feel like I have a family again.

Ben's POV

Now I'm smoking with Casey in the backyard then suddenly he asks "Is she really your girlfriend?"

"What do you mean?" I ask confusedly.

"Is she your girlfriend or your slave?" He asks suspiciously.

"Of course she's my girlfriend. I wouldn't bring her here if she's my slave. Also, I didn't into that shit again" I lie.

"I thought she's your slave because she seems awkward" He says.

"Actually she didn't wanna come because she knows it'll be awkward. I forced her. I feel sorry for her because she didn't grew up with family. That's why I always change the subject when mom and dad ask about her family, I don't want her to be sad" I explain, I'm not lying tho.

"Bruh, really? Dad really changed you after that night. But, the way you look at each other is so genuine, go marry her dude"

"Ok stop, I'm gonna check on her" I say as I put out my cigarette.

I enter my room and find Jennifer sleeping with her back to me. I lie beside her, kissing her shoulder. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't force you," I say as I rub her shoulder. As I lie there, she suddenly turns around and hugs me. She's snoring, she's too adorable for that. I never knew she's snoring. She's such an adorable Kitty.

I can't believe I brought her here. I think I really like her. But I also think that she probably hates me because I'm the one who took her virginity. I knew she did that for the money.

I stroke her hair and watching her sleep. Then she starts fluttering her eyes.

"Hey sleeping beauty, how's your sleep?" I say softly.

"It's good, did I sleep for so long?" She asks with her sleepy eyes.

"No, you sleep real quick. It's 11pm, come here you sleepyhead" I say as I taping a pillow besides me. She leans closer and close her eyes until she snoring again. She seems exhausted and it's sooo cute.

So, what do you think about this chapter?
I'm sorry for being late in updating lately. I am currently in the middle of exams. So, I'm sorry.

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