15. Caring

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Jen's POV

I wake up alone in bed. I wonder where's Ben, I can feel my soreness even though I ain't moving yet. I reach my phone then suddenly Leah comes.

"Well hello weak lady" Leah startles me.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I say as I cover up myself.

"Hey.. How's your feeling?" She asks

"What do you mean?" I ask confusedly.

"Don't act so innocent bitch, you guys were so rough last night and I can't fucking sleep" She teases me.

"Oh I'm sorry I couldn't help it" I say as I laugh.

"How's your feeling" Leah asks curiosly.

"That was amazing and pretty fun" I say

"Did you really enjoying what you were doing?" She asks seriously.

"Yes, because he knows how to make me so horny and he takes care of me.. That's why I ain't quit this job" I say in relief.

"So now you love your job?" She asks and smiles.

"Yeah... Something like that"

"You love your boss too huh?" She teases me.

"Shut the fuck up" I say as I turn around.

"Well at least I'm right" She keeps teasing meeee.

"No you're not, shut up I'mma sleep"

"But your daddy is still out to buy some food" She really wants to messing with me.

"Shut, the, fuck, up" I say then we hear Ben's car is parked.

"Your daddy's coming, byee" Sometimes she gets really annoying.

Few minutes after she left, Ben comes in.

"Hello sexy lady, wanna go to the bathroom?" He asks softly.

"Yes please" I say cutely.

He carries me to bathroom then put me on the tub. I'm having warm tub and he is still waiting for me beside the tub. He tells me story about his past. Now I know that he's a mama boy. And he had a pathetic past relationship.

I can't believe that my perv boss was always been cheated on. He dated women older than him because he thought they more mature but turned on they were fooled him. How sad, but I don't know why how the stupid idea to have a sex slave came to his mind.

After taking a bath he helps me get dress. He helps me put my bra and panties on. He also helps me tie my hair. I think I'm starting to like him. After get dressed, he carries me on his back and goes to dining area. He bought dunkin donuts and the drinks for the three of us.

"Good morning love birds" Leah says as she comes out from her room.

"Shut the fuck up Leah" I'm glaring at her.

"Why should I? I ain't wrong tho" She says as she sits across me.

I roll my eyes then continue to eat my donut.

"Anyway girls, did you have plan for today?" Ben asks as he gives her drink.

"I've planned to having a girls day but you made her sore" Leah says then drinks her milkshake.

"Oh I'm sorry honey, I made you sore" He says as he hugs me.

I can't help but blushing, "Ben, are you fucking serious?" I'm glaring at him but I'm smiling inside.

Ben and Leah are laughing after she notices that I'm blushing. I really wanna run away but I can't even walk. I burry my face on the table then suddenly Ben hugs me and say "hey I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm just messing with you". He's just messing with me. How pathetic my life. Shit! I really fall for him.

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