3. Easy

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"Like what you see, huh?" He smirks. Shiit!! He notices it.

"Nah I'm sorry, I just can't sleep" I say and turn my back on him.

"Patience beautiful, when I'm ready, ok?" He says as he walks to the walk-in closet.


I wake up with a big arm around my waist, he hugs me. Honestly it's uncomfortable but I don't know it feels so good, maybe it's because I've never do this kind of thing. I actually don't wanna move but then I realize that this is tuesday, he has to work to pay me. I let go of his hug, then I'm going to kitchen to make a breakfast. I don't know what he likes but I remember that he loves Dunkin so I assume that he likes sweets. I can't make donuts so fast, so I make a banana muffin. Maybe he like something sweet.

After put it in the microwave, I wake him up. He's just move but not opens his eyes. Then he says he don't wanna wake up before I kiss him. Hmm.. so I'm really his wife huh. "Sir come on, you have to work" I say as I pull his hand. "Where's my morning kiss" damn, he's such a spoiled boy... Fine, I peck his lips. Just a quick kiss. "I'm asking for a kiss not a peck" He pouts and still shut his damn eyes.

I sigh then get closer to his face. I give him a kiss and he kisses me back then he flips me. He's now on top of me. We're still kissing and I feel so horny. I let out some little moan between our kisses. Our kisses are getting hotter and hotter then he pulls away. "I have to work" He says and kiss me one more time then go to shower. Fuck it, he's hanging meee. I prepare for his breakfast cause I don't know what is he gonna wear. I wait for him in the kitchen. He shows up and oh my God. He's so handsome with suit.

"I made a muffin for you, you like it?" I say hesitantly.

"Yeah of course I love muffin, thank you. You didn't have to, actually" He says.

"What time are you coming home?" I ask shyly.

"Why are you asking that? You wanna make dinner?"

"How did you know that? Looks like you're getting used to it" I smirk at him

"I'm going home whenever I want cause I'm the boss. If you wanna go out for shopping with your friend, use the credit card I gave, also you can bring your friends here but don't make a party" he says as he eats his muffin.

When he's already gone, I call Leah and tell her to come over. She's so excited and I can tell she's rushing to get car. After few minutes, she texts me that she's already downstairs.

"Whoa... You really live here" she says as she entering his unit.

"Yeah, and I'm sooo happy." I say.

"Anyway, where's your room?" She asks curiously

"At his... Here in the master bedroom" I say as I entering our room.

"Really? Are you his slave or something?" She asks confusedly.

"I think I'm technically his wife" I say as I open the shade.

"The fuck, are you serious?" She says in disbelief.

"Yes, because he's not scary at all, he's also such a spoiled boy and he said he loves my carne guisada. He's also ate my banana muffin. He's not that hard." I say proudly.

"Is he for real? Or he just wants a friend so that's why you're hired?" She says

"I don't know" I really have no idea.

2 hours later, she got a text from her co-worker

"Oh gosh I'm sorry Jen, I have to go. My co-worker needs me" She says looking at her phone.

"It's ok, you have to work tho. I wish I can be a nurse instead of this kind of job" I say and hug her.

"Ooh, you can resign if you aren't happy. I have a lot of money, we still can pay or rent even when you aren't get a job yet" She says as she cups my face.

"Nah it's ok, maybe it's my destiny. Yeah just don't mind me, I'll tell you when I'm starting to feel uncomfortable" I say and smile.

"Ok bye Jen... Take care" She says as she opens the elevator.

"Bye baby" I say as I waving at her.

Now I'm super bored, I don't know what to do. I'm used to work every damn hours and rarely have free time, now I don't have anything to do so I don't know what to do. It's 2pm and he probably going home at 5pm or at night. The nosy me says that I have to see every rooms in this house. So I do it. He has a nice condo, my favorite part is the kitchen. He also has 2 kids' room for the boy and girl but I've never see a picture of him and his family. He didn't tell me tho, maybe I could ask sometime. Few hours later I decide to take a nap cause I'm bored.

I wake up at night. Shit, I've been sleeping for damn 4 hours, this is 7pm. I think I really need to take a rest. I hear the sound of the shower.

"Sir, is that you" I shout from the bed.

"Yes, come here" He says.

The bathroom's door is open, fuck, I am sooo nervous.

"What can I do Sir?" I say beside the door.

"I said come here, come in" He says firmly and I obey. He's naked and I'm tryna look at his face.

"W-what can I do Sir?" I say in front of the shower room.

"Come in" He says as he turn off the shower.

Now I'm standing in front of him, he facing me and leans closer. He becomes scary, and he scares me. He strokes my hair and says "Rub me now". "W-where's the soap" I say nervously. "You silly, I mean rub this" He says and grabs his— you know. "Grab it" so I do. This is so weird, I've never touch a penis before. He closes his eyes and groans. "Suck it Jen" He groans. I can't have it all in my mouth, he's huge. I suck it and I don't know why it feels so good. I suck it till he wants me to stop. He doesn't even cumming. I get up and he pecks me, why does he pecked me tho. "Ok you can go now". I get out and text Leah.

Bitch, do you believe I'm just sucked his penis

Wtf!! What do you feel?

It's indescribable feeling, but I think I like it

Wait until you feel his penis inside you

That's my fear actually, how bout it hurts

It really is, but when he goes harder, believe me it'll be addicting

Idk, I hope he wouldn't hurt me

I'm sure he wouldn't

Anyway, when's your free day?

I dunno, wait a second
He says tomorrow is my day off

Great, see you tomorrow

K bye

He goes out from the bathroom and asks me what I want for dinner. "Whatever you want Sir". So we eat a taco. I'm actually surprised that we're not going awkward even though after I sucked his dick.

Hello y'all, I think this chapter is kinda boring.
Hope you like it ♡♡♡

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