4. Girls Day

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I wake up just like yesterday. Ben's arms on my body, I'm getting used to it. I let go of his hugs and make a pancake batter then I wake him up and cook the batter. After the pancakes is cooked, I come to him because he didn't shows yet, even though I cooked it for a long time. I found he struggles to ties his tie. I walking closer and sit on the table then tie his tie. "Sorry I can't tie a tie because my mom usually does it" He says as I'm tying his tie. He says it's my day off because he'll not home until 11pm, "you might be lonely, so you could stay with your friend". Gosh, he's caring, he really cares about me. I don't know how was that girl call him scary. "Also, don't forget to lock the door and you can use your credit card. I'm leaving now, bye" he says and kiss my forehead. The fuck, am I his wife?. After he left, I'm staying here for some hours. I make the bed and clean up the whole house. I have no idea about his job. I mean, he works at 9am and going home at 7pm. Maybe he's a CEO or an important part of his company.

At 1pm I got text from Leah. She asks me to stay there, of course I'll do. A minute after, Leah call me and says that she's already in front of the building. I rush to her, I lock the door and rush to the elevator. I hop in her car and she immediately hugs me.

"Hey gal, welcome back. Wanna eat something?" She asks.

"No, I'm good" I say as I sit on the couch. We're home now.

"So, how's Mr. Affleck? You're just taste his candy right?"

"He's ok. Y'know I just met a girl named Charlotte, she said he's like a demon. She said he was always come to my room every midnight to have sex, but he's caring to me" I say.

"Maybe he's just a different person" She says.

The whole day we spent for shoping, watching movie, and random talk. Nothing special.

And this chapter is nothing special. I don't know why I wrote this. I just have no idea to continue this. Sorry guys...

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