13. California Gurls

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Jen's POV

This is the 182nd day since the first day I'm staying with him.

It's summer now and living a summer in New York isn't much fun. I'm always staying at home while he's working. I'm lonely and bored. Yesterday, Leah asked me to go to LA with her but Ben didn't let me go. I hate him for that. I'm mad at him right now.

I'm just laying on the living room couch lazily and turn on the TV. I'm super bored. He's busy as fuck lately, we didn't even much time to spend time with each other. We spent time with each other just on the bed and then sleep, we're not even having sex this week. He's so busy.

When I'm lying on the couch and close my eyes, Ben suddenly opens the door and makes me open my eyes immediately. Ben looks at me and I'm just look away. Ben comes closer then bends over and caressing my forehead.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly.

"Ask yourself" I say upsetly as I turn around and give my back to him.

"Is it about yesterday?" He asks as he rub my shoulder.

"What do you think?" I answer flatly.

"I'm sorry, I already said that" He says and still rubbing my shoulder.

"Y'know what? I'm a human, sex slave is a human. And I need refreshing, but you didn't let me go" I say angrily.

"I know, I know, and that's why I bought a ticket to LA for us tomorrow. I know you need refreshing, besides that I want to check on my Malibu mansion" He says and my face turns into a happy face.

I hug him real tight, "Thank you so much, when's the flight?" I ask excitedly.

"Tomorrow at 5 pm" He says and smiles.

"Yeay, let's packing" I say as I drag him.

I'm packing our things cause he's taking a shower. After finish packing, I go to bed and find out that Ben's already sleeping. He's snoring. I get in the bed and sleep with my back facing him. But suddenly he hugs me from behind and whispers "I'm lucky to have you", how I wish that it has double meaning. Then he snuggles.

Ben's POV

"Wake up Aurora" I say softly as I poke her arm softly.

She flutters her eyes and asks "what did you just call me?", she looks so cute with her sleepy eyes.

"Aurora, because you're still beautiful when you're sleeping.. So that's why I called you with that name" I explain.

"Are you kidding me? It is 5am, why did you wake me up?" She says upsetly as soon as she looks at the clock.

"We're gonna take a walk or maybe jogging at Central Park"

"I'm so lazy, super lazy. I don't wanna walk, I wanna sleep" She says as she covers herself with the blanket.

"You'll go with me or I bring some girl and have sex here" I say like that cause I knew that she won't let me to do that.

"Okay okay, I need to pee first and change my clothes" She says as she stands up.

When we're jogging, a random guy suddenly comes to us and says hi to Jennifer. He seems so annoying.

"Hi Jen! Wow, you still beautiful. How you doin?" He says.

"I'm doing great" She answers uncomfortably.

"By the way who is this?" He asks sarcastically.

"This is my fiance, Ben" She says proudly.

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