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His phone's ringing. He picks up and then his face going pale. "You're here? Right now?" He asks like a hell comes to him. He hangs up and sigh. A second later, the doorbell is ringing. "Just stay here ok" Now he's panicking, "I can't even get up" I say as he puts a pants and a t-shirt then goes out. I don't know what happens outside, so I decide to take a nap. I wake up and hear loud giggles. It's a little girl. I'm tryna walk but I can't, I'm still sore. When I'm about to call Ben, he suddenly comes in.

"Hi, how's your nap?" He asks.

"It's good, but I can't walk" I pouts.

"It's ok, I can carry you. Where you wanna go?"

"Bathroom please"

"Aight, c'mere" He says then carry me to the tub. "Call me if you need me ok, don't do it yourself" See? He's so caring.

I'm here, relaxing in the hot tub. Uh it feels good to relax. Few minutes later he comes in with a relief face.

"Hey, what's the matter? You look so relief" I ask and he sits on the stool beside the tub.

"My nieces just sleep" He says and smile.

"They're your nieces? Where's their parents?" I ask excitedly.

"My brother going to Bali for third honeymoon, they're planning to have kid again. They're going back in 5 days" He says and pouts.

"So you're gonna be a babysitter?" I ask.

"Hell yeah, why are you so excited?" He asks.

"I love kids, so we're gonna be a good nannies" I say excitedly.

"You think like that? They're annoying you know" He says annoyedly.

"No they're not. Now help me get up" I say and I get up. Ooh, I can walk.

"What's your plan?"

"Making pancakes for breakfast, I'm starving" I say as I get dress.


When I'm cooking, a little girl comes and asking about Ben.

"Uncle Ben, I can't sleep. This is morning and I was just wake up before I went here" She pouts.

"Uncle Ben is still out honey. Can you wait for a minute?" I say as I bend down.

"Who are you? Are you uncle's girlfriend?" She asks curiously.

"It's hard to explain, you wanna eat pancakes?"

"Yeayy I love pancakes, what's your name pretty woman?"

"I'm Jennifer, what's your name?" I ask as I give her pancakes.

"I'm Indiana, but everyone calls me Dianne. Whatever you wanna call me" She says then she takes a bite.

"Where's your sister?" I ask as I sit across her.

"She's upstairs, she's asleep" She says and...

"Booo...." Ben startles me from behind.

I'm yelling and poke his arm, "Ben, seriously?" I say, "thank God I didn't swearing" I whisper.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry" He says as he puts the ice creams on the kitchen island.

"Yeayy, ice cream" Indiana says as she grab the ice cream.

"Is your sister still sleeping?" Ben asks.

"Mhm" She says as she eats her ice cream.

"Let's wake her up and we're going out" Ben says.

"Where're we goin?" I ask.

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