5. First Day

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"Hey, welcome back" He says as he wash his hands.

"Hi, can my friend be here for a moment?" I ask shyly.

"Of course she can, but if you girls want some little party or you're gonna make some loud sound, you can go upstairs" He says then he goes to his office.

"Thanks, have you eaten?" I ask.

"Yes I have, don't worry" He says and he close the door.

I call Leah and tell her to come. Of course I take her upstairs cause I know she'll talk loudly. We sit in the kid's area. We talk about Ben, his house, and we're also assuming his job and then sex, like she always do and of course I respond it. At 9pm she leaves and I'm alone with him. Actually I'm kinda scared. I don't really mind it though.

I go to sleep but I don't really sleep, just close my eyes. Then I feel Ben crawls to me from the other side of the bed. He caressing my head and says "Look at you sleeping beauty, I was about to ask you about sex but you're already asleep. Be ready for tomorrow". I swallow hard, I really can't sleep right now. I'm overthinking about what's gonna happen the next morning. Holy shit...

I wake up like always, in his hug. I let go of his hug but he holds me back makes me bump into him. Then he rolls me up, he's now on top of me. I look into his eyes nervously. He strokes my forehead and my hair.

"You're so beautiful, are you really ready?" Now he strokes my cheek.

"Y-yes sir" I say hesitantly.

"But I don't think you're ready" He says softly, is he serious?

"I'm really ready Sir" I give him a my seductive look.

"Alright, let's do it" He says then kiss me. I kiss him back

Our kisses become harder, hotter, our tongue are dancing in motion. I let out a little moan between our kisses. His sweet mouth move to my neck and sucking my skin. He takes off my night gown. He goes down to my chest then he suck my breast and squeezing the other one. I feel so shy.

Ohh!! It feels so good. Then he goes down to my tummy then kiss my belly button. He kisses my toes, my legs, my thigh and my inner thigh. He facing my pussy. He looks at me and smirks, oh crap. He takes of my panties then kisses my pussy. He spreads my legs wider then lick my vagina. "Ohh, yes Sir ahh" I moaning softly. This is so good. He does me great and I'm just busy moaning. He's eating me up, his soft mouth becomes a hungry mouth. He goes deeper, tasting every inch of it. I grab the sheet. He still licks me until I feel orgasm building in my stomach and then... Aahhhh!! I'm yelling out loud as I release my orgasm.

He goes up and kiss me. He takes off his boxer then places his dick on my clit. He rubs his dick on my clit, now he's teasing me. I can't wait it anymore, "could you stop teasing me?" I say and bite my lower lip. "You're really horny, huh?" He smirks. "Please Sir" I beg. He's not answering and suddenly entering me. He thrusts slowly. Oh God, it really hurts. "Owwh, shhh huuuuhh" I whimper. "It's ok Jenny, I'll go slowly" He says and cups my cheeks. He's huge oh my gawd, he filled me out. "Ohh fuck, Sir can you do it fa—st faster. Mhhp" I say breathlessly. "No way, you'll probably get hurt, this is your first time" He says as he thrusts slowly. I can't help but smile inside, does he really care of me? I can't believe that Charlotte said this place was hell for her. Some minutes later he's still thrusts slowly, I can't take this anymore. I'm so horny, I've never been this horny in my life. "Sir, fast— faster, uhh I can't take this. I'm s-so horny ohh" I say between my moans.

He smirks and thrusts a little faster, it's enough though. I'm moaning mess right now. Leah's right, when he goes harder, it'll feels good. "Ohh yess. Right there, fuck uhh" He's hitting my g-spot. My nails is digging on his back but he doesn't complain tho. He thrusts faster and I'm moaning out loud. I can feel my orgasm building. He keeps thrusting until I hit my second orgasm. After few rounds, he finally releases on my tummy and then grabs some tissues.

"That was amazing" He says breathlessly as he swipes my blood.

"Yeah haha, I've never been this horny before" I giggle.

"Huh, I can't believe you were a virgin before I do you, you're good tho, who taught you?" He asks as he carries me to the couch then he changes the bed sheet.

"No one, I'm just following your move" I say shyly. Then he carries me to the bed.

"You're blushing, c'mere" He says then I snuggle up. We're cuddling. "How do you feel, this is your first time right?" He says.

"I'm feeling good, tired, amazing, sore, I feel like I wanna do it again" I say as I look at him seductively.

"I know right, having sex with the right person could be addicting. But you're so much sore right now, I can't bang you again. Hahaha" He chuckles.

"Sir, this is Wednesday, you have to work. You're probably late." I say.

"I'm not working today, you're very sore. I'm sure you can't even stand" He says.

"Sir, can I ask you something?" I ask hesitantly

"You can, but please stop calling me Sir. It feels like I'm a 65 years old grandpa, haha. Yes you can ask me anything" He says as he strokes my hair.

"Did you know Charlotte? Your previous slave?" I ask nervously.

"Ugh, did you met her?" He asks.

"Yeah, and she told me about you" I say nervously.

"She wasn't wrong tho, I really didn't have a heart back then, but it was past. I only have 3 slaves, and you're the third. The previous slaves was really living in hell. Charlie is my second and she resign 2 months later. I'm not that kind of guy anymore, now I don't really need sex and I'm different now. My dad told me that I have to focus on my career" He explains.

"When she was working with you?" I ask.

"She worked with me five years ago, it's a really long time ago" He says as he caressing my hair.

"Then, why did you hire me if you don't really need sex?" I ask as I look into his eyes.

"My brain immediately did it, and I'm glad that you're not a rebel girl" He says.

"Okay, anyway, what's your job. I mean I always seen you with casual wear and sometimes with suit" I ask hesitantly.

"Oh, I'm a movie producer, sometimes I be the executive director. I'm currently working on Sony"

"Oh cool, sorry I ask about that" I say.

"It's okay. You can ask me anything, literally anything" He says and smile

"Oh, that's all I wanna know" I say and smile.

Few minutes later, his phone's ringing.

Hi guys, what do you think about this chapter?

I think the sex scene is kinda cringe, cause I can't write it.
Thank you for reading, and please provide feedback if there are any shortcomings 🫶🏻

I hope y'all like it

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