12. Complicated

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Jennifer's POV

Tomorrow morning, I wake up on the bed, Ben's bed. Ben is besides me sleeping giving his back in me. Wait, does he mad at me?  Or he's just sleepy? I don't know, maybe he's just jealous. I standup and go to the kitchen. I'm looking for a food but there's only two donuts. I grab it and when I turn around, I bump into Ben.

"Gosh, you scare me" I mumble.

"What are you doing? I thought after you wake up I could have sex with you" He pouts.

"Ooh, I need to eat this donut first" I say as I caressing his cheek then I sit on the dining chair.

He's waiting me like a kid wanting a candy. After I finish eating, I run to bathroom and brush my teeth. I can feel that I'm so horny. I'm back and find him still sit. I come closer seductively then I sit on his lap. I bite my lip and he kisses me, his kisses is always gives me chills. He squeezes my breast while kissing my lips. I let out a little moan because I'm already horny as fuck. I start moving my hips on his bulge. He carries me upstairs and lays me on the bed. He caressing my hair then kiss me softly. He stares me for awhile,.

"What? " I say with pissed tone.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful" He says softly, what does he mean. Does he likes me? But it he does, it must be complicated.

He undressing me until I'm all naked. He is looking straight into my eyes. He's just gazing me like that, not even look at my body. It's awkward you know. Then he kisses me delicately. The night going soft, delicate, and hot. We're enjoying our activity. Like I said, sometimes it feels like making love than just fucking.

Ben's POV

Tomorrow is the premier of my new movie, and I'll bring Jennifer.

"Jen, come on. You have an appointment with Ellie Saab in almost an hour" I shout from the kitchen.

"My shoe is broken, wait" She shouts from upstairs.  Few seconds later she shows up real gorgeous. "My heels that you gave me on my birthday is broke, I'm sorry" She says as she looks down.

"It's ok, I can buy another on or I can replace it with the different design" I say as I rub her back.

"No, it's ok. I can repair that" She saya as she smiles. She's really respecting what people gave her.

Jen's POV

When we get in Ellie's place, I start fitting the dress I'll wear on the red carpet. I'm so nervous y'know, this is the first time we're on public. He didn't post me on social media, he even doesn't have my picture I guess. Why does he has my picture tho.

Ben choses the nude dress and I like it.

"You look so adorable" He compliments me.

"Thank you, but I'm so nervous by the way"

"It's ok, you're gonna steal everyone's attention darling" Elie says.

"The skirt is so full, but I can manage that"

"Can you walk comfortably? " She asks.

"Yes I can" I say as I walk, "but isn't it too revealing?" I ask Ben.

"No, it's fine.. You're so gorgeous" He says proudly.

"I think that's all, we'll meet again tomorrow morning" Elie says then we say goodbye and leave.

When we're in his car, I ask again about the dress that he chose.

"Is the dress really not too revealing?" I ask him.

"Yeah, you look so cute. I don't find you sexy, you're just adorable. If they think that you're sexy in that dress, they can't steal you from me tho" He says calmly. My cheeks are burning red, he thinks that I'm cute. He's just making me like him even more.

When we get home, I can't forgetting what he said before. I really wanna ask him about his feeling towards me but I'm a girl, I'm too shy to ask him. So I'm just smiling all day long and he notices it.

"What's going on with your day? You seem so happy" He says when we about to sleep and I'm still smiling.

"Tomorrow is my first time I'm going to red carpet, even though it's just premiere, I'm sooo happy" I say as I facing him. "Anyway, what would you like to introduce me? Your girlfriend? Your fiance? Or your wife?" I ask as I give him my puppy eyes.

"It's a surprise, let's sleep, we'll be early" He says as he pulls me closer.

We're sleeping with my head on top of his chest. It's a usual pose during our sleep y'know. He always pulls me closer when I sleep a little bit far from him. I think I'm really his wife technically.

I wake up with Ben's kiss all over my face.

"Wake up little Jenny, we have to prepare for the event" He wakes me up softly.

I look at clock and oh my God, it's nine am. "Are we late?" I ask

"No, your agenda is at eleven. Elie is in the hotel near the event's place" He says as he look at his phone.

"Oh my god, traffic is everywhere" I say as I look out the window.

"So come on, go take a shower and I'll make our breakfast. What do you want?"

"Just sandwich" I say as I walk into the shower room.

We're heading at the hotel at 10.27. We're late. Thankfully Ben is a great driver so we're at the hotel at 11.15, not really late.

"Thank god you're a good driver" I say in relief when we inside the elevator.

"You're a good rider tho" He winks.

"I'm not talking bout that" I say and poke his arm playfully

When we get at the unit, the makeup and hairdo team immediately comes to me and drags me to the beauty table then do their job. I'm just sit as I look at Ben who's wear her tuxedo. He's so handsome, he really looking like a gentleman. 30 minutes later, my makeup and my hair are done. I wear the dress and everyone are gazing at me. "You're gonna steal everyone's attention. You're the spotlight Jennifer" Elie says.

I'm so nervous when we're in car, I can't stop thinking about people's perceptions and what Ben will introduce me as.

"Am I really have to go there?" I ask with so much anxious.

"Hey, you need to calm down. It's ok, I'm here" Ben says as he rub his thumbs on my knuckles.

When we're in front of the red carpet, he opens my door but I'm so nervous as fuck. I'm coming out from the car with nervousness. I'm so hesitant to show up because everyone is looking at me. Ben squeezes my hand and whispers "it's ok, you're gorgeous", it makes me smile. Paparazzi are taking our photos, they're shouting at Ben, asking him who am I. "This is my soon-to-be wife" He shouts back and kisses my forehead. I don't know why but that words just making me smiling and blushing. One of the paparazi shouts "We want to take her picture alone", so he letting the photographers taking my pictures. He watches me from apart. Everyone is literally taking my pictures and paying attention to me even tho Jennifer Aniston is arrived. I feel sorry for her. I walk as fast as I can to give her the paps attention but they still taking some photos of me. I grab Ben's hand and drag him inside.

"I really steal people's attention, gosh.. I feel sorry for Jennifer" I whisper.

"It's ok, let's go inside"

I sit beside Jennifer Aniston and I say sorry.

"It's ok darling, you're gorgeous.. I love your dress" She compliments me.

"Oh thank you, Ben choose this dress.

" Oh my God, he's such a nice boyfriend. Btw are you engaged?" She asks.

"No, our relationship is complicated but we're ok. We're completely okay, it's just complicated" I say sadly.

"Ooh, you'll be the perfect couple. And you'll make some cute babies" She says and Ben's face gets ridiculous.

Hi y'all, this is Zoey
Merry Christmas everybody
I hope you like this chapter
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Byee ♡

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