•Her• ||Rosita Espinosa||

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-Fluff and mild smut-

You have been apart of the group since the beginning.
You've lost people, you've gained people
But you could never imagine losing her.
Your best friend,
But you never thought of her as a friend.

You always pictured the dirty scenarios in your head of you and her doing only things you could dream of.

I'n the back of your mind you tell yourself she imagines these things as well. You realize that it's unlikely

Untill today.


"Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP" dayrl yells
You roll over and groan

"GET UP NOW" he yelled again

"Fine fine I'm up!" You sit up and let your eyes adjust to the bright light shining through the window

You walk to your closest and slip your pajamas off you put on a simple band t and jean shorts along with a black zip up jacket

You walk into your onsuite and brush your teeth you quickly comb through your hair and run downstairs

"Look the beast is out of hibernation" Maggie laughs
"Haha." You say walking to the fridge and swinging it open

You grab a bowl of strawberries and close the fridge back

"Oooo fix me some" Judith smiles
"Only if you say the magic word" you look at her

"Pleaaaaseeeee" she giggles
"Well the magic word was abracadabra but I'll let it slide" you laugh

"Oh yeah! Y/n Rosita needs help with the youth target practice today" glen takes a bite of his dry cereal

"Ugh those teens are little monsters" you say handing the bowl of strawberries to Judith
"hey!" Carl throws his hands up

"Not you Carl" you roll your eyes and sit down next to maggie

"But if Rosita is there I guess ill do it" you eat a strawberry

The table starts giving you funny looks and snickering

"What?" You ask
"Y/n and Rosita sitting in a tree!" Judith sings

"Judith stop" you roll your eyes
"K.i.s.s.i.n.g!" Glen giggles

"Really man? Ur a grown adult" you say

"First comes love" michonne laughs
"YOU TOO?" You groan
"Then comes marriage!" Carl chuckles
You put your head down on the table

"Then comes y/n with a baby carriage" Maggie laughs

"How the hell would that work? Rosita ain't got no dick" Dayrl laughs

"DAYRL" you say covering Judith's ears
He slams his hand over his mouth and everyone breaks out laughing

"That's enough!" You shout
The all stop quickly

"I gotta go" you roll your eyes
You get up and set your dish in the sink grabbing your bow and arrow along with a hand gun

"Don't have to much fun" Rick laughs
You flip him off before walking out of the door

"Damn asshole" you mumble while heading to practice

You walk into the field just outside the walls that has a small makeshift fence around it

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